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Lazzy the Spazzy

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Year 16

About Lazzy the Spazzy

  • Birthday 10/21/1992

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    -=Personal Stats=-<br /><br />Real Name: Felix<br />Age: 17<br />Grade: Rising Freshman (College)<br />Location: NorCal<br />Ethnicity: Chinese (Taiwanese)<br />Languages: English, Mandarin Chinese, French<br />Religion: Buddhist<br />Political Affiliation: Libertarian<br /><br />Favorite Colors: Lime Green, Dark Blue<br />Favorite Music Genres: Contemporary Classical, Hip-hop<br />Favorite Emoticon: =]<br />Favorite Sport (to watch): American Football<br />Favorite Sport (to play): Soccer<br />Favorite Classes: Biology, English Language, Music<br />Hobbies: Reading, Writing, Eating, Chilling, NAPPING<br /><br /><br />-=BZP Stats=-<br />Member No.: 38635<br />Group: Premier<br />Years: 4<br />Posts: 4600+<br /><br /><br />-=Achievements=-<br />Joined: January 26, 2006 <br /><br />Proto Deduction: November 8, 2006 | Black Six | 'first post' <br /><br />Short Stories Contest #3 - Second Place: November 22, 2006 <br />250 Post Count Increase and lifetime Premier Membership<br /><br />Short Stories Critics Club - Member: January 22, 2007<br />Short Stories Critics Club 2 - Member: July 30, 2008<br />COT Stories Guild - Founder: October 13, 2009<br /><br />Short Stories Autumn Olympics - Event 1, Team Writing - Winner: November 28, 2009 <br />(along with Janus, Toa Iranu of Atohune, AZBlue, and Tifosi 92)<br /><br />Proto Boost: March 11, 2010 | Black Six | News Report

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  1. Lol, it's the thought that counts.

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