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Everything posted by BBCCD

  1. is this pm? if so that translates to about 11AM-2PM for me. i guess that works depending on the day
  2. Well, it's not like I would just drop a Chimeratech Overdragon randomly at school.you'd be surprised now dumb some kids can be. i've met kids who lost ghost rare stardust dragons and other amazing things.
  3. I didn't read the book and I still thought that movie was retarded.
  4. that's...not really what happened. did you watch the movie?
  5. i got hit with some bad luck. :(first duel i did really well, then got derp hands the other two and basically ended up sitting there while Whiplash beat me down.
  6. that sounds like a liei'm upset, the aether moderator hasn't been updated to 1.0 yet. this is bothersome because i want to play it now that they've fixed all the bugs it was plagued with.
  7. dueled Whiplash tonight on dn. that was pretty fun. i wish we could get enough people together to do a tournament.
  8. BBCCD


    I love both series. I still have to grab the most recent Resistance game.
  9. BBCCD


    i'm so backlogged, i STILL need to get KZ3. I haven't bought any new games this year cuz i've been busy.now with Uncharted 3 out, that's #1 on my priority list.
  10. My sister got a holographic Base Charizard (4/102) in a giveaway. There were at least 50 people there, and she was the only one to get that card.How bout that?(My prize was Base Abra :<)that's not really the same as finding a card laying on the ground at school or one being used as a bookmark like all these other stories. yours was an event.
  11. BBCCD


    you could have gotten a different controller from another company?also sports games lol
  12. BBCCD


    You can buy controllers like that, several companies make them.I personally like the controller, but that might be because I've been using it since the PS1.
  13. BBCCD


    noticed there seems to not be a thread for this yet.Who here has one/wants one/is getting one?
  14. i like how people have only found terrible cards
  15. i found a yugioh card in the middle of a road next to an elementary school. it was a Drooling Lizard though, so not really worth anything.in one of my classes, there was an unopened Shonen Jump magazine, the one that came with the legitimate Obelisk the Tormentor. woohoo, free god card!
  16. lol endermen aren't that hard to fight. i took on two at the same time last night, i love fighting them.i really like that notch fixed the problem they were having in one of the prereleases. they used to teleport away after you deal the finishing blow, and if you didn't see where they died you'd likely lose everything they drop. made me super mad.
  17. i asked some people from another forum. apparently the pull rates for BLS are awful, so i bought one of the new tins today.i got 2 ultras and a secret, the best pulls i've ever gotten in a tin in my life.
  18. also, you cannot sink completely in a pool of quicksand. humans are too buoyant, and will only sink to the middle of their chest. the real danger is that quicksand is incredibly difficult to get out of, and you might use all your energy and pass out just trying.
  19. i don't like the snow golems because snowballs do no damage. makes them pretty pointless.i do like though that if they die you get more snowballs from them than went into their construction. or at least that's what happened with the one i made.
  20. i'm debating whether or not i should get a gold series 4. the card shop i go to has them at $20 for the black friday weekend. today is my last chance to get it at that reasonable price. ($30 is totally too much, $20 was too much before they threw in the playmats. $20 for 25 cards is a load of ######)should i do it? i mean chances are i'll just get garbage...
  21. i know, i want to go to the moon for a day so bad just to see how it feels to be one of only a small handful of people to set foot on extraterra, and to fool around in the low gravity.
  22. during the mission, many problems occured, so many in fact that he was getting prepared to read that very speech. we almost lost those astronauts.
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