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Everything posted by BBCCD

  1. I've only ever heard one evanescence song i liked. their new one. everything else was okay at best
  2. i went to the photon shockwave sneak peek last weekend.the guy sitting in front of me pulled a laggia, and my friend pulled a rescue rabbit. i got that "brilliant" Xyz or whatever it was.
  3. i now have a pen with a sheep of every possible color. so awesome. and also super annoying to hear...
  4. i haven't watched the show in years. it's hard to take any show seriously when they get that amped up over a card game.
  5. i used the hovering thing in pre5 to find a nether fortress. now i think i'm lost though...which is bad.
  6. / yeah seriously. i almost didn't come back.heck if this site were more famous its downtime would have been meme worthy"the only thing longer that the bzp downtime is...oh wait, nothing."
  7. bought an xboxSadly I'm broke so I can't afford to get this game yet. I'm hoping I can nab it soon enough though.
  8. really? all that changed is that they point up now. not super impressive compared to the other changes.
  9. i might use the new flying addition to find a fortress in the nether. building bridges across the lava is such a hassle.
  10. sent you a pm I'm hoping Laggia and Rescue Rabbit aren't too expensive once they're out, I need 3 of each for a deck I've been building.awesome. playing duel network and my first opponent won't go. how fun...
  11. anyone here play halo custom edition?
  12. so eventually killing an enderdragon will give you a way out of the End. the end will basically be just a boss chamber, which is why it's made out of only 2 blocks.i like that idea. as of now, the End is pointless, but if killing the dragon and scoring sweet loot will get you out then the challenge seems worth it.
  13. I drive a '98 Honda Passport. 12 mpg for the win!
  14. i really hope notch puts in real world dragons. Ender dragons are cool, but i don't want to go to the stupid End to see them. and using hax to get them to spawn in the normal world is not going to help. i don't know who all here has seen it, but the minecraft forums have a video up that shows exactly why enderdragons shouldn't ever be in the normal world.
  15. i just got my account set up. all i've done so far is build decks, but that's been working perfectly. i have no idea how the game play is yet. I'm guessing it'll be like the old yugioh virtual dueling program.
  16. anyone who complains about the graphics in minecraft can go back to spending $60 a year on their terrible COD games.
  17. so The End is terrible.i didn't think notch could make a new dimension with less features than The Nether, then he made The End, a world composed entirely out of only 2 different blocks. Such a waste of data. I don't care if there's gonna be dragons there, The End sucks.
  18. i'm working on it. the people on their forums are horridly slow at responding. i'm waiting for them to tell me if there's a way to change my email address even though my account hasn't been activated. i'd hate to lose the username i picked, and i refuse to pick another one unless i have to. though if they don't respond soon i might just do it...
  19. is anyone else with 1.9 pre 4 experiencing a LOT of crashing/ it's gotten almost unplayable for me
  20. also effects > atk points.example: blue eyes is terrible compaired to tour guide
  21. i was watching a replay of an SNL episode last night while surfing the net. Radiohead was playing, and god did they suck.Seriously they should have never written a song after Creep.
  22. works best in tour guide zombies.mezuki and plaguespreader abuse.
  23. also, many people thought spinosaurus was a made-up dinosaur. spinosaurus, if it were to encounter a t-rex (which it couldn't because they lived on different continents at different times), it would not have won the fight. spinosaurus may be bigger, but it was much lighter built. t-rex was not only bulkier, but had a biteforce so strong that it could have broken the spinosaurus' neck in one bite.
  24. Not many interesting Xyz monsters for now, but I'll keep an eye on them. there's a few that are neat, others that are deck specific, and some (grenosaurus) that just suckas of now, utopia is the only good rank 4, and he's only okay.the current one with the most potential is Leviair, which i really like. so glad i pulled one. as for duel network, appearently the confirmation email doesn't send to certain mail sites or something. i'm gonna see if i can still use the same account name, and i'll try to get the email sent to a new email. hopefully i should be on soon. i really hate how this turned into a huge pain.
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