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Blog Comments posted by -IGNITION-

  1. To be honest, the only reason I've been patient is because I completely forgot about it until this blog entry. :P


    This pretty much sums up my thoughts :P I had no idea it WAS updating.


    Oh and will this include the Glatorian Arena 2 download? 'Cuz I'm on Snow Leopard so I can't play it in my browser :(

  2. I think that I may have fallen into the category of the person who sent you the PM =/ I thought it unfair that you had to devote so much time answering fan questions that you might not necessarily get other things done such as serials etc.


    Clearly this is not the case and that you are happy to do so, which is fine :) Your logic is brilliant Mr Farshtey :)

  3. "And he saith to them, the very fabric of the universe was waiting, waiting for these final and precious moments to be unsaid towards the man"


    "And he spoke."


    "It must be you alone. If cannot be that way, bring your friend or something. Run, run quickly, or I'll spork you"

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