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Daughter of Irnakk

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Status Updates posted by Daughter of Irnakk

  1. Nice personal picture. ;)

  2. Sorry? For what? Me losing memory? :P Dont worry, it just that when you're 15 you begin to get old, your back hurts, you forget where you out your keys and get gray hair. Wait, I think I'm confusing 15 with 51, my bad. :P

  3. Ah, that guy, I remember you now while looking through my older comments.

  4. What Ellis said is true, but, I'm back now, after Ellis said that.

  5. Coolest. Display. Name. Ever.

  6. Awesome sig, Depar. ^_^

  7. You can just have one banner. Or your entire signature will be removed.

  8. Gav, Nightowls is dead, you better temp close it before someone revives it.

  9. If I accept you, you MUST become a PGS, then how will you make yourself sprites, I mean, there is no great mahiki or mask of charisma in MP5.

  10. i think its a dlak fad

  11. I read Ow, I like it. :)

  12. but! you should focus more on your own comics than mine.

  13. Your request has been accepted, I put you on the PGS list too. ;)

  14. shh! DL, dont leak info here! :P

  15. Um... TSW is dying. help it.

  16. I added you on skype

  17. steam is screwing up, I need your hwlp

  18. You should REALLY continue The ToM Kit 2.

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