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Daughter of Irnakk

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Status Updates posted by Daughter of Irnakk

  1. "Emkay Likes This"

    Thats the answer. ;)

  2. I was a big fan of your carvings, :)

  3. Well why lie when we can speak truth, you are beautiful. ;) (You owe me a thanks now! :P)

  4. so i herd u liek mertuan amror?

  5. You're supposed to say thanks. ;P

  6. How is the MaS progress?

  7. DL, I may not be on steam for one and a half steam because of technical problems

  8. Fullmetal trouble för the win, nice Turakii!

  9. There's no catch, I'+ just being nice to you for no reason at all. :)

  10. [compliment]Hi Emkay, just wanted to let you know that you're beautiful.[/compliment]

  11. You can't yet, you have to be more active and post.

  12. Is'nt Yukiko Shinichis mom?

  13. ONe post more and you have 5000

  14. 2010 refers to Bionicles end I believe.

    Vahi, I just realized you and I are Matorans of legendary elements and named after the kanohi. We're similar... ;)

  15. Nice, I'll be using Sixshade Omega.

    I'm currently remking everything cuz LJ wants to give me comiclessons, :P

  16. The world ends in 6661337.


    im in ur haed, trimming ur brain

  17. I like the new comic, but i can't post because i have leet posts


  18. Argaraffe was the first matoran of time.

    He became one in Bionicle: BC, that means he was before you...

  19. Im in ur comments, looking ur profile

  20. gibberish gibberish gibberish!

  21. it translated 13:37 to gibberish?

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