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Year 16

About D-Shadow

  • Birthday 06/30/1994

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    Western Hemisphere, In America!
  • Interests
    Playing my Wii, DS, PS3, and Bionicle, though I don't buy the sets. Them being too expensive being a major reason.<br /><br />I've been a Transformers fan since Beast Wars and a Bionicle fan since year 1...<br /><br />Comics/Manga are pretty cool, I like to read mostly Ultimate or Amazing Spider-Man, some of the Marvel compilation comics, Naruto, and One Piece. I'm not listing Dragon Ball since that ended... years ago... and Dragonball Evolution was horrible, even if it wasn't trying to be Dragon Ball, or so says the Director. <br /><br />Making comics at BZP and going there... which is here. So I guess that's a... Is there even a word for it?<br /><br />OH!!! Also, I am a fan of fighting games. Super Smash Bros. is up there about side-by-side with Soulcalibur/Tekken. Now Street Fighter series is up there too. I think Blaznlue is my favorite fighting game now.

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