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Riisiing Moon

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Year 15

About Riisiing Moon

  • Birthday 09/10/1996

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    Currently? On BZP, of course!
  • Interests
    He remembers the bubble wrap.

    When the server is flooded, it is because he wants to go for a swim.

    HahliHusky writes his signatures.

    James Cameron directed his avatar.

    When he linked to a website with forums, Black Six gave him a proto boost.

    His member description is 'Member Indescribable.'

    He leads an underground league of fledgling newbies training in the dark arts with a presence in thirty-two countries, and Madagascar.

    His topics in NMQ&A are statements.

    He once posted spam, just to see what it felt like.

    His blog is praised as a source of knowledge in regions without Internet access.

    He is...the most interesting BZPer in the world.

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Stalwart Defender

Stalwart Defender (22/293)

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  1. Yes, perfectamundo! That provides for all sorts of opportunities in interaction. D'you think I should start drawing up quick ideas for the chars?

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