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Repicheep - Toa of Irony

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Year 17

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About Repicheep - Toa of Irony

  • Birthday 09/24/1989

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    Missouri, USA
  • Interests
    Hello, one and all, thank you for visiting my profile page.

    A bit about myself: When I'm on BZP, I spend most of my time in the library. I've been writing for about four years, but have been making up stories since I was little.

    I'm currently attending college, hoping to graduate with a degree in Chemical Engineering. I write primarily as a hobby, but no one knows what the future holds, perhaps I might publish something someday. I am a Christian, but I'm not a "Bible-thumper." I accept that there are other viewpoints out there; I just think they're all wrong.

    Books: Lord of the Rings, Chronicles of Narnia, Redwall Series, Bionicle novels
    Movies: Lord of the Rings, Chronicles of Narnia, Bioncle movies, The Matrix trilogy, Kung Fu Panda, Madagascar
    TV Shows: My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, NCIS, Stargate SG-1, Mythbusters, House, Teen Titans, Avatar, Road Rovers and other old 90's cartoons
    Video Games: City of Heroes, Spore, Sonic the Hedgehog, Super Smash Bros., Star Fox, Nintendo in general, Halo, Sly Cooper

    Pairings I like:
    Personally, I find the whole shipping thing kinda silly, I say, give the authors some respect, so all the pairings I "support" are canon (or as close as possible). That being said, I rarely let a "rival" pairing ruin a story for me.
    Bionicle - Tahu and Gali, Matau and Nokama, Hewkii and Macku, Jaller and Hahli
    Sonic - Sonic and Amy, Knuckles and Rouge, Tails and Cream, Tails and Cosmo (yeah, I like both), Blaze and Silver
    Star Fox - Fox and Krystal, Falco and Katt, Slippy and Amamda
    Road Rovers - Hunter and Colleen
    Sly Cooper - Sly and Carmelita
    Avatar - Aang and Katara, Zuko and Mai, Sokka and Suki
    Teen Titans - Robin and Starfire, Beast Boy and Terra, Kid Flash and Jinx
    Fan Pairings: Nuju and Stara (Inferna Firesword)
    My Pairings: Kopaka and Atuuh, Cedrak and Lestra, Onric and Kleria, Oruni and Kaisha

    Other Likes: I'm a brony, an adult fan of the show "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic." If you've never seen the show, you honestly don't know what you're missing. The animation is beautiful, the writing is top-notch, and the characters just jump out of the screen. Don't let past incarnations of the franchise keep you away from one of the best TV shows in recent years.
    I am also a furry, plain and simple. I like art, movies, video games that feature anthropomorphic animals such as Redwall, Sly Cooper, TMNT, Sonic the Hedgehog, Kung Fu Panda, etc. I wouldn't be caught dead in a fursuit and find the "furvert" side of the fandom very offensive. Sadly, since that is how the fandom is most commonly seen, I don't try to draw too much attention to it.
    Music: Soundtracks mostly, the few jems of Christian music that there are, some rock, techno

    Dislikes: Most child/teen actors (Olsen Twins, Miley Cyrus, etc.), fangirls (of just about anything), loud music, overtly gay people (I don't hate gays, I just think they're misguided), a lot of blood and gore (have a weak stomach and am a bit squimish), people (both Christian and non-Christian) who simply assume they're right and are unwilling to have an open discussion, most politicians

    * deviantART: Repicheep22
    * FanFiction.Net: Repicheep22
    * City of Heroes Global Chat: Repicheep22
    - Primary characters:
    - Nitrog - Lvl 50 Fire Blaster/Manipulator, Infinity server
    - Agent Borealis: Lvl 50 Martial Arts/Ninjistu Stalker, Guardian server
    - Sensai Trenjen: Lvl 50 Ninja/Storm Mastermind, Guardian server
    * Sporepedia: Repicheep

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  1. Nice quote in your sig. I saw the movie and that part was so hilarious. :D


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