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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Year 21

About Snoopy82

  • Birthday 12/21/2010

Profile Information

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  • Location
    In the land of submarines
  • Interests
    Not so long ago, I took up a challenge. A challenge to create the longest interest section in the history of BZPower. And for a while I had it. However this was an empty victory, because I had bumped up the count by putting down the lyrics to two eleven minute songs. Not good, right? So now I'm back, and I want to take up this challenge again. I'm looking at you, EW and Turakii. You two are going DOWN. YEAH!

Contact Methods

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  • LEGO.com Account

Snoopy82's Achievements

Stone Champion Defeated

Stone Champion Defeated (144/293)

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  1. Great avatar! REAGEN FTW!

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