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Keeper of Kraata

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Everything posted by Keeper of Kraata

  1. Only works with creatures that bear elemental power, even a fraction of it.
  2. If you want a sneak peek at the power of the amulets, you can steal a glance at Maeloc over in Ko-Koro, he's rocking the Ice Amulet of Elemental Kindred. As for buying power, I was approximating 1 widget = 1 US dollar. I'd have to go back and check MNOLG II for an example... Edit: Macku paid Hahli 100 widgets for giving her one. For sports equipment+material+labor, that sounds about right.
  3. It looks like that might be preferable! I kinda want hunters to go after them before the eastern Kalta and friends leave Ta-Koro...
  4. Considering Vakua's 'blessings', I'm imagining his reaction to reaching Ko-Koro and immediately finding out that he's wanted as the Benny Hill music plays as he runs away.
  5. Hmm... I just realized that if I don't do something with Aelied and Zueya soon, they might still be stuck at Obsidian Outpost when the other Kalta come rolling up. And we can't have that, it would be way too convenient...
  6. IC: Aokora tried to keep a straight face. And failed. "Pffff-HAHAHAHAHAHAHA-" Miserably. "Oh, Mata Nui, that's funny! I couldn't get that kind of budget if I was looking for a vault full of Toa Stones!"
  7. IC: (NPC) The nurse hurried out of the hospital. He had talked with several of the doctors; the Ba-Toa's condition had never been seen before, but was suspicious either way. The actions of the companion that had dragged him in, the De-Toa, hadn't helped. The Ba-Toa hadn't done anything wrong, technically, and they were obligated to treat his grievous injuries, but something had to be done. The Guard couldn't do much without exacerbating the situation. The nurse had been sent to fetch Po-Koro's protector, and he had drawn the shortest straw. He hurried to Stannis's hut.
  8. OOC: You know I'm hearing Jaller's voice as Andrew Francis from MoL, right? IC: Seeing the others look to her, Kalyss stepped forward, taking a deep breath. "We have come to discuss something urgent." No use beating around the bush, really. "It's about Ko-Koro."
  9. IC: Aokora thought for a moment. "How long? I honestly don't know. Travel isn't too bad, since its just across the bay. We'll be searching for the shrine for a while. Once we get there, its a matter of exploration and recovery, charting the ruins and such. When that's done, all that's left is to handle transportation of any artifacts recovered. And, of course, any potential dangers along the way."
  10. IC: Aokora clapped her hands together. "I'm Mata Nui's leading scholar on the legend! It's very old, predating the Thousand Years of Darkness. It exists in some oral histories, but the most intact version of the tale, and the earliest rendition of it, was in a cave northeast of the temple at Kini-Nui. It was inscribed on a wall, along with pictographs of fifteen amulets. The legend... Oh! Wait, I have a copy of the rubbing I took!" The ga-matoran dug into her bag, and pulled out a large roll of paper, which she unfurled. She read it aloud: In the time before time, when matoran mistrusted one another based purely on their elemental leaning; they feared and hated those that were not like them, and believed their own element to be superior to all others. A matoran of each element was invited to a gathering, by whom is not known. They began to argue with one another, believing there to be some form of deceit. The confrontation nearly came to blows, and a mysterious Turaga appeared, saying that he had invited them. The Turaga said he had hoped to rationally talk of peace and unity, but that they had already proven they would not be willing to be rational. With a wave of his staff, the matoran's heartstones were changed, swapped with another's. Their element was suppressed, and they gained the element of another. The Turaga spoke: "Perhaps an alternate view would do good; go and live a moon's time with your new kinsmen. Then return here, and speak of your experiences." The fifteen bewildered matoran then awoke in their new settlements, surrounded by those they had never seen before. In a moon's time, they returned, and found themselves changed. They greeted the other matoran as if greeting friends, laughing, comparing stories. The Turaga again appeared, and asked if they would be willing to embrace their Unity as matoran on behalf of Mata Nui. The matoran agreed, pledging to make a strong, unified Koro. The Makuta would have none of this, the servants of Mata Nui pledging to unite. From the darkness he reached out, and tore the matoran's heartstones out. The Turaga was shocked at the Makuta's vileness, and labored to save what he could. He managed to salvage what he could of their bodies, fashioning amulets with the heartstones, ensuring their souls were safe. He returned these amulets to the elemental tribes, who in mourning pledged to have a dedicated wearer of the amulet, to show empathy with their kindred matoran. To celebrate this, Mata Nui created a star in the sky for each of the amulets. Thus were the Amulets of Elemental Kindred created. "Until a while ago, we could only identify fourteen stars. This was a major discrepancy; the legend, and the pictographs, mentioned fifteen. A new one was identified just a few nights ago, though. An Astrologer worked out a formula to identify where the stars place the amulets, these give us rough coordinates. The new star places one of these amulets on the island north of here, in the Bay. I need you all for support; it might be a long dig, but it is in the wilderness. Protection from wild rahi and such. I don't suspect the interior of the shrine to be any safer. On top of that, I'll need help recovering any cultural artifacts I find in there. A single ga-matoran only holds so much, you know." The archeologist took a moment to compose herself. "I was actually hoping I would get some of those newcomers... the entire purpose of this expedition, the entire legend even, is of cultural understanding. I had hoped some of these Dasaka would be able to come along, as an observer."
  11. IC: Maeloc grinned. "Oh no, this won't hurt." In an instant, Maeloc's hand coated itself in rime, and he lashed out, brushing his hand against Luyn's arm. Numbing frost quickly crept up her arm. The crystals melted into clear rime, freezing solid. "Quite the opposite, in fact. From the notes I found, the sensation is numbing. You should regain use of your arm shortly, sooner if you start exercising it. Get the blood pumping, and such. As you can see, in the hands of a toa or turaga, it can be used to accomplish a minor ability. But, however minor it is, it can't be discounted that this essentially changes your element." Maeloc left Luyn, returning to pacing. "As for Skakdi, I'm not entirely sure what happens. Lesterin either. I guess we can test that on the way there." The Turaga turned on his heel. "So! Do you pledge to serve me, the Legacy, and the Makuta, with fervor and discretion? We reward our servitors, should they prove themselves worthy. Are you?"
  12. IC: "Broke workers are the best kind of workers!" Aokora laughed a bit at her own joke, before coming to her senses. "Uh, forget I said that. Anyway, on top of monetary payment, you are getting in on the ground floor for what could be part of the greatest cultural exchange in Mata Nui's history!" Aokora looked like she was about to continue, but realized something. "Are... any of you familiar with the legend of the Kindred Amulets?"
  13. IC: Kalyss nodded, smiling slightly. "Thank you." Turning to her team, she barked "You heard her. Disarm." Vakua bowed in mock obedience, taking out his tuning spear and setting it aside. Casanuva sighed, unbuckling his sword belt and setting aside the Ferrite Blade. "Careful with this one. Its new." Kalyss rolled her eyes, and started unbuckling parts of her gauntlets. Technically, her entire armor set was a toa tool, but since stripping entirely would be a little extreme, symbolically taking off her gauntlets would have to do. Having disarmed, the Kalta filed into the Akiri's office.
  14. IC: Maeloc chuckled as he approached the Po-Toa. "Well, the legend recounts that matoran were able to swap elemental powers, in a fashion. In practice, they suppress elemental energy in their wearer. A ta-matoran would be just as vulnerable to fire as any other. After an our in use, they grant the wearer an.. alternate element." Seeing the skeptical looks aimed at him, the turaga continued, clutching the glowing amulet around his neck. "This heartstone I am wearing is the Ice Amulet of Elemental Kindred. It suppresses what Earth abilities I have. Instead, I am resistant to cold and ice, just like a ko-matoran. However, in creatures such as Toa and Turaga, those able to actively harness their elemental energy, it provides an additional effect." He reached out to Luyn's hand, before recoiling slightly. "May I?"
  15. IC: The Onu-Turaga paced in front of the assembled group. "Guardians for the shrine? I don't doubt that there will be. At the very least, there might be traps. Either way, I'll need muscle, at least for hauling any plunder lies inside. Your affiliations can be your own, I don't care, but use of these Amulets that are recovered will be restricted to Legacy members. If you plan on returning to Ko-Koro, good standing with us isn't something to be cast aside lightly. "As for other groups, I'm not entirely sure. I don't know if others are acting on this information, I don't know how new this star is. If we are too late, and the shrine has already been ransacked, our goal might be changed to a more... interceptive nature. If it were true, however, that another group is currently acting on this information... well, we will have to deal with them, won't we?"
  16. IC: Aokora leaned past the Ko-Toa, seeing the others looking around. "Uh, hello! I'm Aokora. You're here to hire onto the expedition, right?" she said, earnestly smiling.
  17. No, they do not know the other exists. That time is coming, however. Just... Later. Just to reiterate and clarify, I'm going to be busy for about eight hours tomorrow, so it might be a bit before I can fully continue.
  18. Seeing as only Nuju and I are the only ones that have talked through the Amulets completely, you wanna run this by me? Also, beyond a few of the top Legacy people, Hahli, and Nixie, only Aokora and Maeloc are in the loop for the Amulets. Anyway, just a heads up, I'm going to be unable to post for much of tomorrow, I will try to get everyone up to speed when I can. Also, I'm just saying, a Dasaka member of the expedition would be really cool.
  19. And I'm sure that did wonders for the relations between the Brotherhood and Legacy.
  20. IC: The onu-turaga smiled. Gathered was enough muscle for anyone to think twice. "Now, I'm guessing all of you are probably wondering about your reward, and what I have to do with it. As you've probably guessed, I am Maeloc. I am an archivist within the Legacy. I was cataloging the items in storage, when I made a discovery." Maeloc's hand went to the amulet, shining around his neck. "This amulet, one of fifteen, holds a very unusual power. I have learned the location of another, one that only recently was made known. This location is in Ga-Wahi, on an island in Naho Bay." The turaga looked the recruits over, one by one. "You're probably wondering what rewards are in store. Well, the shrine we are headed to is a reliquary of artifacts. Doubtlessly many of them will be valuable, in addition to I suspect three of these Amulets of Elemental Kindred. I will ultimately decide who gets what, as I see fit. In addition, I will be evaluating your use to the Legacy, so unless you want to cross my masters, killing me get more than your share isn't in your best interest." Maeloc smirked. "Any questions?"
  21. I remember a Pathfinder session I played years ago... "Zambies." "Zambies?" "Zambies."
  22. Incredibly dark shenanigans. At the very least, if Ko-Koro guards are cooperative, they'll let Kalyss in to check bodies. And which faction probably has control over where the corpses are...?
  23. And also they are do-gooders who want to rescue the hostages kept in Ko-Koro. At this point the other team members are a cover story, because they don't know the others are actually there pursuing the same goals. I foresee shenanigans.
  24. I've been waiting for them so Vakua has an excuse to not deliver himself straight to Ko-Koro AAAAAAUUUUUGH
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