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Keeper of Kraata

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Everything posted by Keeper of Kraata

  1. OOC: Yes, I was, sorry for the error. Fixed now! IC: Zueya narrowed her eyes. "My master tells me that have helped refugees in the past. He didn't mention fights, or mutants. Or mutant fights."
  2. Maybe they existed, and they're like Atlanteans.
  3. OOC: And your knowledge of the land shall be great. IC: Aelied turned to the toa. "I saw that refugees were being loaded onto the cable car previously, but I might be mistaken...?" Zueya left the others to talk. Approaching the Fa-Toa asking for help, she said "Are you people going to help or not? From what I've heard, you people were organized." The young Vo-Toa did not look happy.
  4. Nobody saw the body, so... whatever you believe.
  5. IC: Since Casanuva was moving at a brisk pace and somewhat knew his way around the Koro, he caught up with the other Kalta, Mirra, Wisp, Mura, and Vesun shortly. "Sorry it took me a while, but you will not believe how awesome this sword is. I call it the Ferrite Blade." Casanuva grinned. "It has a magnet in it!" Looking at the somber faces of his companions, he was puzzled. "What?" I will fill him in. As Vakua imparted the new information to Casanuva. The smile slowly disappeared, replaced by a horrified grimace. "I... we don't..." the Fa-Toa stuttered, "we're going there?" Kalyss nodded grimly. "We were going to see the Akiri and talk to him, see what we can do." Casanuva was still slightly stunned. "We, uh... ready?"
  6. True, but you can't deny the reveal of Takua actually being an Av-Matoran all along was kinda nice. And I think we all knew you were already old-fashioned, given the whole setting.
  7. IC: Zueya leaned over and whispered to Aelied: "What exactly is going on?" Aelied looked almost as perplexed as her. "To be honest, I'm not entirely sure..." he whispered back.
  8. I believe the sticking point was 'only upper classes are introducing new population'. Easily clarified.
  9. That's for the staff to know and us to find out. I want to find the answer to that mystery as much as anyone else.
  10. Kentoku: offbrand Mata Nui-ans. I must phrase a question: how often have you seen someone die from old age in this? (I know there must be somebody I'm missing, but its still a rare occurence)
  11. It's even specifically described in the Kentoku topic now: When it was revealed, I was fascinated with the relationship between the two cultures.
  12. Matoran seem to be functionally immortal, anyway. I thought it was a queen bee scenario.
  13. IC: Aelied nodding, looking the toa up and down. He noted that whoever this person was, she was not a member of the outpost. "Yes. These matoran were wounded while escaping Ko-Koro. My apprentice and I were passing through, and rescued them. This is the first time they've been stable enough to move all of them at once."
  14. Eh, I'm fine with waiting. I don't mind taking her out of the action for a bit.
  15. IC: Aelied raised an eyebrow. "We've been tending to them for several days, they are fairly... stable. Enough to make the trek here." Zueya carried in the last of the matoran. She seemed to be deferring to her master, keeping quiet. "... though I don't think my apprentice or I are in shape for marching back to our encampment, during a nocturnal snowstorm."
  16. IC: Casanuva considered... then, in a rare moment of responsibility, said "I'm actually thinking that more hands might not be such a good thing on this one. Everyone has to count, and more people might mean more trouble for us." He walked off before turning back. "You coming would be awesome, but I don't think I could live with myself if something happened. And trust me, something will happen. Now, its been fun, and the sword is amazing, but I have to go join my team!" As he turned again, he thought of something. "Though... I might be able to secure you an important client for metalwork, if I return to Ga-Koro... Anyway, its been fun! I'll keep in touch!"
  17. If Fyura gets a free moment (currently waiting for a job interview for the Legacy) I think she would like to visit T.O.Y.S. as well. Hmm.... in Matoran script. Just checking. It's good to see something like that out of the Vault for once.
  18. IC: Kalyss shook her head. "I can't say I've gotten to know many people on Mata Nui, actually. But its a major Koro, so finding it shouldn't be too much of a problem."
  19. I just thought it would be a nice way to flesh out the world. Again, I will elaborate on why I am hanging onto this detail if it isn't found to be relevant. Anyway, moving on... I remember it being mentioned that the Dasaka didn't make metal weapons out of their dead for obvious reasons. One thing I realized: why not out of rahi bones, like on Barus Magna? Respect the rahi and not enough, I am guessing? It could be a nice world-building detail if the ancient Taajar clans used bone weapons that were partially metal.
  20. IC: Aelied turned, and saw Zueya's form through the snow. He quick-traveled next to her, and held out his arms. "I'll carry him from here." Breathing heavily, Zueya nodded while handing the matoran she was carrying. "Thank... you." Together they marched the rest of the way towards the Outpost. When they reached the entrance, Zueya looked to the sky, worried. "It's getting dark." Aelied nodded. "We'll deal with that when we have to." Looking at the Fa-Toa, he barked orders. "Why are you just standing there? Four of these matoran can't even walk! Help them inside!"
  21. Whatever. The thing I am working on will suss that out as well.
  22. I keep asking if Dasaka are immune to mental attacks (outside those perpetrated by other Dasaka) as Ce-Matoran are, but that gets ignored whenever I bring it up.
  23. Compared to the time when the BZPRPG was a new setting every year, this IS rules-heavy. I don't see any Rahkshi detectives running around. And as for why I want an answer so badly? It's for a thing. If Nuju doesn't like it, I'll tell everyone.
  24. The problem is what you are saying is antithetical to the rules-heavy nature of this RPG! Pretty much every character aspect or choice is covered somewhere, and you are giving players a blank check to come up with whatever the they want? And this coming from the guy who said a Toa of Air wasn't powerful enough to mimic a vacuum cleaner?
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