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Keeper of Kraata

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Everything posted by Keeper of Kraata

  1. Yeah, but it needs to be standardized. For consistency, at the very least.
  2. Heh, we think alike. Though I personally am fond of the 'identify crystals through touch' thing..
  3. Not all elements are created equal. Bo-Matoran have pre-loaded extensive knowledge of herbs and plants. Ga-Matoran can hold their breath for a long time. Edit: According to BS01, they also have their eyes protected from bright light. Given that the primary natural place where plasma occurs is stars, I'd say it's warranted.
  4. What? Su-Matoran are supposed to have higher heat resistance to heat than even ta-matoran.
  5. Can we get one? All matoran have an innate, passive manifestation of their elemental power; Ta-Matoran resist heat, De-Matoran have extremely sensitive hearing, Onu-Matoran have night vision, Ba-Toa can resist pressures, etc. Hmm... Maybe Cy-Matoran have denser skin, and are more resistant to harm? Extremely organized? Can identify geodes and crystals by touch (or through rock)?
  6. On the subject of elemental powers, since Crystal is not an element canon to the main universe, how do Cy-Matoran manifest their element passively? Information on the subject is scarce. Edit: The Ferrite Blade might not even be paid for, it makes him weep to imagine such a tool simply being used for an improvised explosive.
  7. Nothing. I'm guessing without the Technology! advantage the Exo-Matoran have, the wearer of the armor is just as vulnerable as they were before.
  8. Even as a Fe-/Fa-Toa, you can still affect them, just indirectly. They will not magically phase through a steel girder a Fe-Toa throws at them. Edit: Ninja'd. And now I want to make a Fe-Toa that throws steel girders.
  9. Then again, I only have one character directly affected by this; and yeah, he can't affect them with his powers. Sword still does the same (admittedly small) damage it did before, though. But yeah, not to keen on the armor now; only a matter of time before it goes EVA. Edit: In-Universe, we don't know that the Dasaka are actually Ce-Matoran/Toa, doesn't stop us in discussion.
  10. ... See? See what you guys did? Rahkshi now break all the rules. Great. On the other hand, Kraata are made from Makuta. And Rahkshi are made from Kraata. So Rahkshi are made of Makuta, which is pretty darn cool. Also means Exo-Matoran are made (partially) of Makuta. Fun.
  11. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat. When did Onu-koro get those? Also I'm surprised nobody else noticed this. Yes, I too am wondering this... since it seems like something WAY beyond the current island's capabilities, and like something that was added just for plot *Coughs* Like the piraka getting by the arbiter just because of antidermis *coughs* You know, speaking of arbiters... how is the big guy doing? We haven't seen much of him in while, or his friend over on kentoku. ABETTOR IS A JERK!
  12. So, Sil completed a picture of our first PvP encounter: Silo versus Casanuva!
  13. True. Even with a three-point landing. Anyway, sizing these things up: we know how big they are (bigger than a toa, certainly bulkier), so now I'm wondering how strong they are... and the possibility of a toa/elemental something holding onto the back.
  14. Well, since the Bohrok aren't here, what are we going to make them out of?
  15. You're assuming that Exo-Matoran don't have some sort of stabilization system.
  16. I for one support this. Magnetism might have trouble with the onboard computers, though...
  17. Very true. I might also add that yes, they seem to be at the mercy of Fe- and Fa-Toa... but in a unified attack force, you get somebody to deal with them. Your tanks get threatened by guys with anti-tank rockets, you deploy your snipers. Also for tanks: wouldn't the effect be mostly the same if you strapped armor to a Muaka, Kane-Ra, or Manas?
  18. We shall see. I, for one, am all for exo-suits being a thing.
  19. I believe they're made out of rahkshi. And what, you don't think an offensive will have Toa to counteract them?
  20. IC: Aelied was unfazed by the young toa's rudeness. It wasn't hard to find Toa younger than him. "My apprentice is bringing in wounded from Ko-Koro. She should be here within the hour."
  21. IC: Zueya trudged through the snow, carrying an unconscious matoran in her arms, pulling a sled of three more. On either side, ko-matoran marched: one had an arm in a sling, and the other's mask was so bandaged the only thing sticking out was his telescopic eye. Aelied appeared next to her; she had long since grown used to her master doing that. "It's not long, only about half an hour's walk away." The young Vo-Toa nodded, her vision clouded by her own breath. With that, her master turned, and teleported away once again. She saw him appear in the distance, before turning again and disappeared again. She didn't mind carrying everything; Aelied didn't like to admit it, but he wasn't the most fit of Toa. And on top of that, the cold wasn't doing him any favors. She wondered if this was another aspect of his training her; she remembered what training she had before awaking in Ta-Wahi: esoteric exercises designed to awaken her mask power. Being asked to do the impossible, and falling short. Aelied saw the oupost; the small snowstorm almost obscured it. In his scouting, he had seen refugees being taken into the station and loaded up onto the cable car. He was sure they would help these refugees. His appearance hopefully wouldn't surprise them, either, since the elder Bo-Toa saw that he had been spotted during his observations of the outpost. He blinked down to the closest thing to a door he could find, and rapped the Greenstaff against it several times in succession. "We have wounded refugees coming soon!" he shouted, praying to Mata Nui his conclusions were correct.
  22. I don't see this going over well in Ko-Koro, however...
  23. Something I've been using, but hasn't been officially stated, is how all the Dasaka (Dashi/Ce-Matoran at least) are almost immune to mental attacks, aside from other Dasaka. BS01 quote: Similar to other matoran's innate elemental powers, like a Ta-Matoran's resistance to heat, a Ba-Matoran's resistance to pressure, an Onu-Matoran's enhanced night vision, etc. Is that official? There aren't many characters affected by this, but to those it does affect, it is something to note.
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