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Keeper of Kraata

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Everything posted by Keeper of Kraata

  1. IC: Small objects around the room began to rattle as Skorm was overcome with rage. He wanted to destroy something. That green skakdi's face for doing this to him, Aelied for inflicting this on him in the first place... a sharp pang from his abdomen put a stop to his tantrum. Skorm deeply inhaled, then slowly exhaled. "First things... first. Before I can accomplish anything, I need to walk."
  2. IC: Kalyss exhaled. "Well, it looks like we know what we are doing... and we don't really have the same time limit we had before. We should probably wait for Casanuva. So we are at our strongest when we tell the Akiri our plans. I'm not preparing for a fight, I just think we should look like we can handle ourselves."
  3. I'm by no mean an expert on Dasaka sociology, but I don't think that's possible.
  4. IC: Skorm collapsed onto the bed. He looked around; his grey cloak hung on the wall. Stained, tattered. No longer a proud garment of a warrior, but a wretched shadow of its former self. Not unlike its owner, a broken toa in no condition to follow his goals. "... Yes. What he said... about Antidermis. Is that the only thing that is responsible for what I am? A botched mutagen?"
  5. Now I actually kinda want to tittering Dashi maid. And overhear ALL the scandals.
  6. OOC: You would-be bounty hunters better start moving soon! The mark isn't staying in one place forever... IC: Aelied returned to the cave from another scouting mission. Cyrix had reported that more people were flowing into Ko-Koro. Zueya had gotten curious about his 'sources'; fortunately, the young toa had not pressed further. That was a relief. He didn't like keeping Cyrix's existence a secret from the team, but they didn't have any reason to suspect, given that he had been wiped from their memories, along with the rest of their memories that were not training. The Le-Toa had been a useful tool, indeed, keeping tabs on the other Kalta. His secrecy was his greatest asset, at this point. "Zueya, how are the wounded?" The Vo-Toa looked up. Her mask did not have a positive look. "Not well. The damp conditions of this cave aren't exactly helping their injuries." Aelied looked grim. "I guess we will have to move them, then." Together, they began making the final preparations. Aelied created wood to make sleds, and Zueya started helping the wounded too weak to move by themselves; about a half-dozen matoran in total. Only two could walk. "Where are we taking them?" Zueya looked to her mentor as she tied off the sled around her waist using vines. Aelied set down the unconscious matoran he was holding onto the sled. It was holding three, and Zueya was carrying the final matoran unable to walk on his own. "Near the Tren Krom Break is a cable car station. There are mercenaries set up there; they will help them, as they have helped other refugees." Zueya frowned. "Mercenaries? Can they be trusted?" "Not entirely, but we don't have much else of a choice." Aelied left the cave first, keeping lookout while Zueya trudged out, dragging the sled. Together, they pushed their way through the snow, towards Obsidian Outpost.
  7. IC: Casanuva exhaled in relief. "Whew. Good." He regained his composure. "Er, uh, what do you mean by adventure? My team is kind of busy right now." IC: Kalyss shook her head. "I wouldn't be lying, simply telling him as it is. My teammates are likely in Ko-Koro, and I am heading there. We are, at least. If there is any foul play involved, Vakua's there. He's a walking litmus test for intent." Vakua raised his eyebrow.
  8. The best part may be how we retconned Silo's botched assassination job: Aelied told Cyrix to get someone to test Casanuva. Cyrix then hired Silo, thinking he was just some merc; Silo in turn misinterpreted the job as an assassination, rather than 'rough him up'. EDIT: Has it really been six months since Silo was arrested? That makes both of us six months into the game!
  9. IC: "We don't need his approval. As a Toa Kalta, I'm going there anyway to find the rest of our team. That's probably a reasonable excuse to get in; they probably don't know of the Kalta's existence. For all I know, they could have died in the battle as defenders, or been taken prisoner."
  10. OOC: Mirra and Wisp were a part of that conversation as well IC: Kalyss paced back and forth. "We could go as high as possible. Talk to the Akiri."
  11. But dead gods are the best kind of gods. If they are sleeping AND dead, even better!
  12. Who has two thumbs and got their hands on some 2015 Bionicle?

  13. IC: Casanuva stopped short, and his smile disappeared. "Uh... well... the advertising, and the, uh, prestige of having forged a toa tool designed and wielded by the Casanuva..." He liked it better when someone else funded his projects. IC: Vakua shook his head slowly in response to Vesun. While I am versed in telepathic collectives, I have a limit of about six before I start... messing up. But you are correct. He opened his mind to the entire group. Rescuing those hostages seems to be the most pressing matter, but I cannot stress how carefully we must tread. We do not know if even the authorities can be trusted. If we tell of our intentions, word may spread... endangering innocents.
  14. Isn't that a problem with law enforcement in general?
  15. You didn't see the part about projected fighting, did you?
  16. It goes both ways as well; negative AND positive poles.
  17. After some staff-mandated retcons, Casanuva's ACTUAL new sword is unveiled! And tested! A Casanuva original Toa Tool... the Magnet Sword! [Who named it that? It's a stupid name! Ferrite Blade?]
  18. OOC: (Updated the original unveiling) IC: Casanuva laughed. "Don't worry, it shouldn't explode. Unless you know something I don't about the sword..." Resting the blade on his shoulder, Casanuva looked around the forge, trying to find a suitable testing target. There was a stump of charred wood; that would work. With one hand, he picked it up, and set it down on the anvil. Taking a step back, he raised the new sword over his head, and swung with both hands. Brushing off his hands, the Fa-Toa stepped back. It was halfway into the stump. "Well, it certainly cuts." Casanuva stepped up, grabbing the sword in one hand and tried to separate it from the stump. It wouldn't budge. "I really have to thank you guys again... couldn't have been easy to make this thing, keeping the magnetic properties intact..." It still wasn't moving. The edge of Casanuva's mouth twitched. He picked the whole thing up, and set it on the ground. He planted one foot on the stump, and activated his Pakari. He gave a tug. Something had been miscalculated; the sword gave way, and flew out of Casanuva's grasp. It spun through the air... towards the ledge. "Nononononono!" Casanuva dashed towards the edge, diving. The sword bounced once, then slid off the edge. Casanuva slid, his torso passing over the edge. A blast of heat hit his mask, even though the lava was distant below. He reached out, nabbing a hold of the sword's magnetic field. It stopped plummeting. Slowly, the Fa-Toa backed up on the ledge, before standing up. He still held up the sword via a magnetic field. He had... an idea. Backing away from the edge, he kept the magnetic field holding his new sword steady. Casanuva drew his normal sword, transferring it to his sword arm. He held it at the ready; the magnetic sword mimicked his movements exactly. Casanuva grinned, and tried a lunge; the magnetic sword thrust forward. Casanuva smirked. "Well now, I think I've discovered a new little addition to my arsenal..." He sheathed his arming sword, and pulled the new sword towards his hand. When he grabbed it, a puzzled look came over Casanuva's mask as he realized he didn't have anything to store it. He could commission a scabbard... with what money? A look of realization spread across his face, and he smiled. The Fa-Toa put the sword behind his back, the handle portruding over his shoulder. With two clanks, it was magnetized to his back armor. The existing magnetic field interacted with his own larger-than-normal field, and held the sword fast, expending an insignificant amount of energy to do so. "I guess you could call me a satisfied customer." Casanuva remarked to Tor. "I would say I hope I don't have to use it... but what am I saying, I've been ambushed three times over the last few months, and my team is heading to a warzone."
  19. It varies because some people think it does not cover what it needs to cover; as long as all the same information is presented, it doesn't really matter. Like, some people have separate entries for sex, gender, and sexuality. I have entries for theme songs.
  20. So, question, out of the blue; does anyone have characters imprisoned in Ga-Koro?
  21. Me getting publicly ridiculed and called irresponsible over a disconnect in creative freedom.
  22. I don't see it as a rules problem... more of a massive failure of communication.
  23. I meant the refugees that left to spread the word after the city fell, in the timeskip post. Am I the only one that remembers they were decimated*...? *In a pseudo-classical sense, referring to the Roman Legion's practice of having disgraced legions have 9/10ths of the soldiers kill the remaining tenth. Hence, decimate. It was generally done to send a message to the survivors.
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