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Keeper of Kraata

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Everything posted by Keeper of Kraata

  1. I think its equally likely they were left as a statement.
  2. Really, those aren't frozen bodies from a massacre, they're ice sculptures! And those burly guys are just security! You know, to keep out the squares!
  3. Ko-Koro is now a magical winter wonderland. It is Certainly Not a fortress of villainy conquered by an alliance of Evil.
  4. IC: Fyura sized up the muscular Fa-Toa. "Zyou might find zat request comes vith... strings attached."
  5. OOC: Uh, sure? Maybe? I'd say its been a few days for each topic we've been in, so... at least six? IC: Skorm sharply inhaled, and his eyes were open. He tried to bolt upright, but cringed as his lower body buckled beneath him, sending him back onto the gurney. Skorm breathed heavily; nothing around him was the same. Sweltering heat? Sunlight? Matoran? He saw Karna; good, a familiar mask. The Ba-Toa leaned as far up as he was able, propping himself up on his elbows. "Where... am... I?" he wheexed through gritted teeth.
  6. Ugh. I have a guest for six hours, and I come back to this ulcer-inducing mess. Well, Kray, I responded to your delegated PM, with a potential fix.
  7. True, the effects would not be as spectacular if used on a meatsack target; see above 'two holes and a whole lotta guts' thing. And it was still intact enough to be raised as a zombie... I'm banking on the triumph of thrust over aerodynamics. And who the karz is walking around in protosteel armor?
  8. IC: "Pardon me for a bit." Kalyss broke off from the group, and approached the guards, hailing them. There was a quick conversation, before Kalyss thanked them, and headed back. There was a harrowed look on her mask. "We're... too late. Ko-Koro fell to the attackers. These are refugees, and... there are hostages. Echelon is threatening to execute them if any attempts and subterfuge are tried."
  9. Ah! Managed to find Casanuva's original implementation of his technique: I should note that the electricity playing between his fingers might not be accurate, and I just used it as a secondary effect. Like how a fireball would have steam from vapor in the air condensing and re-vaporizing. It couldn't actually be used to any real effect, as per Nuju's statement.
  10. IC: Fyura hiked a thumb at Vayde, beneath her external spine. "Vhen I zay zat I have a voice, I mean it." "Greetings. I trust you too are here to seek audience with Echelon?" Fyura looked up at the vortixx. For once, she believed Vayde's chiming that he couldn't be trusted; it was impossible to fully trust someone bigger than you, wasn't it? "I am, yes, but I am zhinking zat ve might be here for different reasons." The Skakdi raised her hand. "Who here iz vanting to here to join zhe Legacy?"
  11. Yes, but I have learned my lesson now. And I am sorry. Anyway, the full request PM string: For fun and profit. Well, fun. Anyway, in all it's stump-killing glory, I see the rail sword lying between two extremes: Real railgun! Haha, no. On top of using what looks like some sort of special dart ammo (when Casanuva is using something more akin to a musket ball), its much bigger. This is, however, where I got the explosion idea for firing. The humble Vold Driver/Hellbreath. Where would my stealth runs be without you? To more directly answer your statements, in light of my clarifications: 1) moving things by magnetism requires a similarly insane amount of magnetic power. 2) True, recoil would be an issue that I kind of have glossed over. I'm just going to say 'Pakari' and call it a day. 3) Protosteel, son!* As for where the smith got it, you can ask his player. I suspect a Fe-Toa. And yes, if by 'take liberties with the approval system' you mean 'work out the specifics', then yes, you got me. *Since sarcasm in N&D has recently gotten me burned, this was a reference to the Metal Gear 'Nanomachines, son!' meme.
  12. Blargh. Too early for this. I'll post the PM conversation, and a fuller defense in a bit; just to say now, referencing the Tau Railgun was a joke; while I know for a fact that a handheld variant exists, it isn't even that powerful. The rail sword can blow up, like, a tree at full power.
  13. Maybe not in so many words, but yes, Nuju approved the Rail Sword.
  14. Well yes. But Casanuva isn't going to be sniping with it anytime soon. Also, the firing process is a bit more complicated; once a ball has been loaded into the chamber, the blade is magnetized; how fast depends on how powerful the shot is. Quickly means he has the rifle from Metro 2033's power on the lower charges; slowly, with appropriate background music and shonen speeches/screaming produces something like the Tau railgun. Once the blade is properly magnetized, it is aimed carefully, then Casanuva uses is magnetic elemental power to manipulate the magnetic fields to actually fire the projectile. Then there's the sonic boom, and fire coming out of all the holes in the blade, and the Orange-hot protosteel blade.
  15. Well, that's the trick, now, isn't it? Sort of a trade-off I have for gameplay balance. Weapon of mass destruction capable of making anyone's innards into outards... no proper sights.
  16. IC: Fyura flashed the obviously impatient Fa-Toa a toothy grin. Whether it was friendly or spiteful was up to the person observing. "I am Fyura. No name of var... yet. I 'ave done just about everyzing zyou could zhink of on zhis island, so I zhought I might pledge my arm to zhe Legacy. I 'ave a little voice zhat never shuts up about Makuta, zo I figured I'd appease it. Zeems to be ze best zhing to do currently. I'd like to fight for somevun that deserves my respect." The Skakdi snorted. "Vell, besides me, ov course."
  17. Not the best at thrusting, though. I think one of my favorite parts is that with Casanuva, the sword sticking to his back is a perfectly reasonable answer to storage.
  18. IC: "If half zhe zings I hear about Echelon are true, I vill gladly vait for my, ah, turn."
  19. Not really hollow, more like a rhoka sword from Pathfinder: Except there are ties are on the outside. So it probably does look like a rail track, vaguely...
  20. IC: Ending with a place we can contact the Guard might be best, given our goal. The entire Koro was almost overwhelming; heat, noise, sound. Everything seemed to be reverberating within the walls; Guard patrols, workers scurrying, buzzing of the electric streetlights, hammering metal... the overall mental atmosphere that Vakua perceived was not a pleasant one. He had been in Ga-Koro only before this; and while it was somewhat diverse, the population seemed to be by a vast majority ga-matoran. Around here, there were the telltale reds, blacks, oranges, and yellows of ta-matoran, who blended with the ember-lit stone, but there were those that stood out. Many, actually. Is it just me, or are any of you noticing an unusual number of ko-matoran for a city in the center of a lava lake?
  21. IC: Kalyss was impressed. Ta-Koro was suitably defensible, fairly modernized, and had its own Kolhii stadium. Sure, it was sooty and ashen, but any industrial center was. Almost... homelike? She noticed Vakua sweating profusely, adjusting his armor. She remembered that, as a toa of Plasma, she wasn't even noticing the heat; it must be sweltering. "I'd like to let you guys head home, but a bit of a tour couldn't hurt. Know where you guys live, where the Guard operate out of, stuff like that."
  22. IC: Fyura scratched her chin. "Vair enough, I guess; I zing I vill just try to join ze Legacy wizhout resorting to a vild rahi hunt." The Skakdi hoisted her axe onto her shoulder and nodded. "I vish you luck! I am zinking that you are going to need it, ah?" She walked away, towards the Citadel. Several other beings seemed to be outside the entrance.
  23. Well, yeah. Magnetizing a physical object is easier, though. And it is a toa tool, built for such a purpose.
  24. When Casanuva tried to use his hands, the explosion caused by projectile's friction with the air ignited Casanuva's hand on fire.
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