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Keeper of Kraata

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Everything posted by Keeper of Kraata

  1. Speaking of the world's worst friction burn, I think it should be healed by now, at least. Given that I have to remind myself that it existed.
  2. This is my sword. There are many like it, but this one is mine. The Rail-Sword: a Casanuva original, brought to you by Tor and Ry.
  3. Oh dear Mata Nui, he's gonna make the recruits fight each other for it.
  4. IC: Skorm twisted away from a nurse as his brow was dabbed with a damp cloth. He gritted his teeth as his legs were set. The nurse looked at Karna. "How long has he been secreting this stuff? It's stained into his mask..."
  5. Well, some people might have reservations about going into Mangaia after Skorm's... incident.
  6. Queue patiently? It's what Fyura plans to do. Unless there is a place with a big 'Sign on with the Legacy here!' banner somewhere that she is missing.
  7. OOC: Liberally apply some retcons due to staff mandate, and... IC: Casanuva did not touch the sword. He raised his hand, creating a magnetic field that lifted the blade and held it vertically. It rotated as he examined it; it was certainly bigger than his arming sword, large enough to wield with two hands, but not too large to be held with one. The blade edge had the distinct silvery sheen of protosteel, with no obvious irregularities or imperfections along its length. That made it look good, of course, but any impurities in the metal would make its use as a toa tool that much harder. The center of the blade was the special part, however. A dark gray. A permanent magnet for the core. Casanuva reached out, grasping the blade. He didn't even need to do anything to it, and his hand stuck slightly to the blade. "Now, let's test out the handle" The Fa-Toa squeezed two trigger just beneath the crossguard, perpendicular to the blade. Two secondary blades popped out of the guard, parallel to the main blade. Probably not big enough to rely on to injure somebody... but enough to trap a weapon. "I have to say, gentlemen, this is probably one of the finest toa tools I have designed. Couldn't have asked for finer engineers to bring it about." A wide smile came over Casanuva's mask. "So, who wants a demonstration?"
  8. IC: As they crossed they stone bridge, Casanuva broke off from the group. "I'll find you guys when I'm done." Casanuva circled the wall, and found the forge. A smile came to Casanuva's face. "Hey, guys! What's up! Missed all the fun in Ga-Koro!"
  9. IC: Fyura shook her head. "I zink I vill pass. Like I zaid, I've done my vair share of bounty hunting. I have no intention of throwing my life avay for something so... insubstantial. At leazt, not right now."
  10. IC: "Vell, loud noises can be a double-edged svord against De-Toa: on ze vun hand, it could deafen zem. On ze ozher hand, zey might be able to exclude zemselves from ze effect... and may, ah, reverse it."
  11. IC: The trees started to fade away, and the terrain became rocky and steep. The heat around started to become more oppressive, and a distinct smell of sulfur could be detected. "So. I'm going to be getting myself my brand spanking new toa tool, Kalyss, you are..." "Going to the Ta-Koro Guard, and seeing what we can do." I will go with her. It will lend credibility, and my... other talents may prove useful. "Aaand... you guys? Heading home for a bit?"
  12. OOC: And a partially smashed ribcage, don't forget that. IC: Skorm twisted in the feverish heat, hacking up more black ichor. He remained unconscious.
  13. I thought that was just more crystal? ... Do the Dasaka even have an idea of what Plasma is? Because that would be amusing. HA
  14. Karzahni was supposed to fix matoran that were damaged. He kinda went insane.
  15. IC: "Alzo true. By ze time zyou reach Ga-Koro, he might not even be zere anymore!" Fyura unshouldered her axe, and put one end to the ground, leaning on the head. "I vould make sure I knew vhat De-Toa's veaknesses and strengths are. Like, in my experience, zey have very acute hearing. Very skilled at detecting ambushes. But zis means zey also have a veakness; vould you like to hear vhat it is?"
  16. To be fair, a weapon made of protodermis bones would be metal as all . Pardon the pun. Compared to a metal blade, from what I can tell a crystal blade has several distinct pros and cons: Pros: Less dullingLittle to no corrosion Cons: Harder to maintain (sharpening, harder to fix)Slightly more brittle than a metal blade (unless very high carbon)
  17. IC: "Whatever we can. Current status, assistance, permission to assist, anything."
  18. IC: "Well, I didn't know that. Unlike some people here, my travel experience on this island amounts to two Koros. If the Guard chooses to cooperate, that would be great, but we don't know if they would be willing to divulge what could be sensitive information to strangers. Even if they are Toa."
  19. That reminds me, I was wondering if 'silverware' in Kentoku was actually 'crystalware'.
  20. IC: "Well, hopefully Tor and Ry will have the blade forged and ready when we get there. Otherwise, until they finish. And thanks for the place to stay; I don't think I'd be quite welcome at the Magmatide Inn after one of my travelling companions got the Guard called on him..." Kalyss was busy thinking. "What would be the best way to quickly gather information?"
  21. IC: Kalyss looked at Vesun, her eyes a steely glare. "As Kalta, me, Casanuva, and Vakua's priority is to regroup with the others, who I have reason to suspect are in Ko-Koro. Our goal is to help the helpless, stuff like that."
  22. IC: Fyura approached the signpost. "Vell, zis does not actually tell you much. Target iz De-Toa, accompanied by Su-Toa and Fa-Toa. Is zafe to assume zey are some sort of... team, or family, or zomething. Zyou know his mask, of course, but do you know 'ow it verks? "On top of zat, 'owever, zyou can get useful information from zis. Target is Toa of Sonics. Ze majority of De-Toa have zimilar strengths and veaknesses. You know zis, ah?"
  23. IC: Vakua shrugged. It is just a line. He drew another across it, making an 'X'. Besides, my Suletu cannot be unique. Rare, possibly, but hardly unique. Only Legendary Masks are such. Then again, those might not even exist. Casanuva turned north, calculating some distances in his head. "Ta-Koro shouldn't be too far away. Our first destination is a forge outside the city walls." Kalyss spoke up. "We'll also be able to gather intel on Ko-Koro's current status. If need be, see if we can assist local efforts."
  24. IC: Fyura frowned. "Vell, I didn't ask for zis fing. I von't deny its usefulness, but it takes avay... quite a lot. As for speaking, it flashes thoughts into my head every zo often." The Skakdi narrowed her eyes. "Vell, do you vant advice or not?"
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