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Keeper of Kraata

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Everything posted by Keeper of Kraata

  1. OOC: Casanuva, Kalyss, and Vakua from Ga-Wahi IC: "So, Kalyss. Let's say you speed through a jungle. What happens to all the bugs you squash?" Kalyss pretended to ignore Casanuva's question. She swore, he was being more obnoxious because there was company. "I hope you run with your mouth shut... how many bugs have you accidentally swallowed?" The Su-Toa grimaced. "I am not validating that question with an answer." The answer is too many to count, I am guessing. Vakua's thoughts in her head were a welcome respite. Yes, but you're not telling him that. Behind Casanuva, Vakua made a motion across his smile, as if zipping them and throwing away the key. The landscape around them grew more barren, and full of ash. Fertile green was replaced with charcoal. On the ruined trees around them, several bore marks, etched by travelers. The Ash Forest. Vakua was fascinated; he'd seen it on Kalyss's map, but hadn't thought about seeing it in person. He scraped his own mark onto a tree, to perhaps commemorate the event.
  2. IC: Casanuva swung his arms behind him. "Well, let's get going then!" Nobody moved for a few seconds. Kalyss raised an eyebrow. Casanuva's eyes widened. "Oh! Right. I'm the one who's actually been there. Follow me, I guess." As they stepped out of the gate, Casanuva breathed deeply. He had been attack on two out of three of his inter-Koro treks before. Time to focus. He looked back at Ga-Koro as he walked along the coast to the south; he could almost see the submarine. He smiled slightly to himself, and turned again. I'll be back. This was the first time in a while that Vakua would be leaving Ga-Koro; the first time going to another, certainly. He remained wary, but tried to remain cautiously optimistic. He would miss the life he was making for himself in Ga-Koro, but he was among his friends, which was the most anyone could ask for. Kalyss was making calculations. She had packed a small bag, finding the most unintrusive, sleek, and aerodynamic one she could find. The map she had bought was stashed away in there. She had to be wary; her precautions weren't just paranoid measures, there was at least one very strong, very skilled person out there... hunting them. She prayed that Mata Nui would give her the strength to confront Skorm, should he attack them again. OOC: Casanuva, Kalyss, and Vakua to Ta-Wahi. When Smary35 gets back on, I guess we'll retcon that Vesun is with our little group, if he still wants to.
  3. IC: Fyura was somewhat taken aback by both the Skakdi man's interest in Vayde and politeness. Vayde flashed some suspicious thoughts into her mind, of any info she divulged being used against them. But, no need to make a fuss... for now. She shifted her battleaxe to allow for a better look at the parasite, taking a step back in the process "Vell, ah, I kan't zay Ah've been asked zat. Vayde iz many fings, beautiful iz not vun of zem. Ve... acquired vun another after a particularly draining fight vith a Vorahk rahkshi. In my moment of veakness following my crush of its kraata, I vas resting, and Vayde here latched on." The large Skakdi shrugged. "Vhen I avoke, I couldn't use my lazer vision, and any elemental energy I had vas drained. Destroyed my iron kannon, too; Vayde here doesn't take too vell to foriegn tech." Fyura eyed up Zarkov's rifle, flexing her fingers, giving them something to do as to avoid reflexively lashing out and snapping the piece of technology in half. "Zhe leetle zlug drains my energy, and in return, I can make 'eem give it back, several times a day. I become stronger, faster, more ferocious... vell, more zo zhan I already am." Fyura's grin grew wider. "But, 'owever, I have come into ze possession of a new factor which... makes ze relationship more... equal."
  4. IC: Casanuva nodded. "I'd say I'm ready to go. Kalyss?" "I'm the only reason you're ready!" "I'll take that as a yes. Vakua?" The De-Toa nodded. "Right then! Ta-Koro it is?"
  5. Correct. But now I know there was support in capital-C Canon for her, to a degree. And I had brought up the question of Skakdi being gender-locked previously.
  6. Huh. Read on BS01 that Skakdi genders are not tied to an element... and the females are considered even more vicious and destructive than the males. And Spine Slugs were a thing.
  7. I have a might need for the Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance OST...

  8. OOC: Easy solution: blades shopping spree! IC: Casanuva squinted in thought as his waffled from side to side. "I don't think her title is literally princess, but she's the heiress to their 'Vilda' clan, at least." The Fa-Toa smirked. "Certainly looks the part, at least."
  9. IC: The Fe-Skakdi was making enough commotion it had attracted Fyura's attention. "Zo, you vant to be bounty hunters, ya? I've done zome in my time, az vell, and vas vondering if zhu vanted zome advice."
  10. (I was joking, Fyura has a Parakuka and can't access her elemental power, though she might have some words of advice) And no, I don't believe a basic crossbow counts as foreign tech.
  11. Hopefully all dead characters might be able to interact with him in the big RP forum in the sky.
  12. I eventually hope I can parcel out the Kalta to other players, once I know I can completely trust other players with my characters. I just love them all so much, it would be hard letting go at the moment.
  13. I would say the best way to pull if off and not look like you are power gaming is to make a pair that play off each other nicely, and present new opportunities when interacting with others. A connection beyond 'lets hook up so we can use our powers together!" I've seen this played well, with Nato'a Mirra/Wisp, and Tyler's handling of multiple Piraka. It's hard to get introspective, but it can be easier to write when you have some control over reactions to a character. The Kalta didn't even start as a team, the concept didn't exist until Kalyss. I come up with lots of combos for them, but a I do that for lots of character interactions. Vakua is still slightly interested in seeing if Dasaka armor is harmonic enough to carry a vibration, and use it as a focus for distant attacks.
  14. POWERS, my boy. UNIMAGINABLE POWERS! Or just pretty neat powers. Fyura got Energy Hunger, Echelon got Dark Magnetism, stuff like that. It can also be used offensively, though I don't think any player has used it for that just yet.
  15. IC: Vakua followed. When the trio arrived, Kalyss threw up her arms. "Finally! You guys left before us, you should have been here already! I had to tear Casanuva away from one of the visitors-" "Princess Soraph." Casanuva added. "-And you believe me, that's no easy task!"
  16. If Skorm were to get a half-bath to fix his pelvis, I was kinda hoping for a serpent tail replacing everything of his from the abdomen down. Alas, there are other things in Skorm's future. Another idea was somewhat of an extension of Skorm's black blood: reactive, sticky blood. Sort of like a Venom symbiote, but (mostly) internal.
  17. IC: Fyura had arrived in Ko-Koro shortly after it had reopened its gates. She had seen some of the Legacy's powers in action during the transition; when she learned the source of their strange powers, Vayde and her had a single, concurrent thought: I vant me summa zat. She emerged from the Dark Walk, her eyes adjusting back to the harsh sunlight reflected off the snow and ice; she thought back to her encounter with Zaktan. "You want some of my Antidermis, do you?" "No. Ve vant your Antidermis." He had said something along the lines of 'never trying it on a creature with a parasite', before handing her a syringe, filled with the sickly green luminescent liquid. She injected herself with it behind her head, just above Vayde. There was pain, and blackness, but when she awoke, Zaktan had been disappointed. No bodily changes. One of the Piraka's enslaved rahkshi was collecting her body, to be dumped. She had felt several things, then: her panic and anger, as could be surmised from the situation. A pleading, pathetic sadness; definitely Vayde, trying to reach out to its older brother. And something new, which was neither: a hunger. Primal, unsated. Snarling, she had grasped the Rahkshi's neck, and bit down, grabbing it's head and shoulder for support. She of course didn't penetrate anything, but neverless, the rahkshi had slowed and collapsed; glowing energy had been leeched from its body into hers, and her hunger was sated. Zaktan was so amused he called of the rahkshi from vaporizing her when it regained its strength moments later. After Fyura's joke about turning its staff into another axe had fallen flat, she wisely decided to beat it back to Ko-Koro. She had tested her newfound power on several small rahi on her way back: she could drain their strength, their energy, and take it for her own. Only worked through bodily contact, though, claws and bite being the most effective. Vayde was disappointed it didn't work with her broken Vorahk staff-turned-battleaxe. it had helped himself to the majority of the energy, though; her back didn't feel so sore, or numb like it normally did. And she swore, some of the color was returning to her spines; she was invigorated. She gave a brief glance at a declaration in the square, of a bounty on some Toa with a telepathic mask; she didn't have fond memories of the time she had spent as a bounty hunter, so she ignored it. She wanted something bigger... more organized. And something that could provide nourishment for her new hunger. OOC: Fyura up for interaction!
  18. Fyura opted for a biopsy injection, near her Parakuka. Thanks, people!
  19. To people that have gained Antidermis powers, how is it often taken? Imbibed, splashed, what?
  20. IC: Vakua mentally connected to Mirra, Wisp, and Mura. I hate to do this, but we do need to go. You have helped these people a lot, and they are in care now. The sooner we can leave for Ta-Koro, the closer we are to Ko-Koro.
  21. ... Now I really am tempted to make a meido Dashi...
  22. Since we are playing by the 'born toa/menti' rule, does that mean males are always born as Menti, or are there male Dashi/Matoran as well?
  23. Posted it on your profile. So, I have a question about Dasaka males: are they all trained to become Menti? Or am I missing something, and their society is like bees, with matriarchs?
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