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Keeper of Kraata

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Everything posted by Keeper of Kraata

  1. It was confirmed a while back that the Dasaka are actually Ce-Matoran/Toa/Turaga, but with a totally different culture, and their powers were segmented to make them more viable as a player race. Also, the Mahiki is unfortunately not allowed as a Kanohi, for reasons. Granted, neither is the Suletu, but hey, give a good enough pitch to a staffer and it could be approved.
  2. I was tempted to mention that there are three more toa (and a matoran) with them now that were not mentioned...
  3. Mata Nui. Meido-style Dashi maid. Cannot unsee this now.
  4. It vas ze German vif a touch of Russian, ah? Leaving aside any ACTUAL speech impediments she may have.
  5. IC: Skorm gasped several times as Zaktan disappeared from view. "But..." was all he managed to splurt out before the Ba-Toa's ravaged body caught up to his will, and he passed out in Karna's grasp.
  6. Fyura's speech was conceived as an accent so thick it borders on a speech impediment.
  7. IC: Casanuva and Kalyss walked together to the Koro gates. "Sorry I held you up." "Oh, you are, are you?" "I'm apologizing for not knowing we were in such a hurry. I'm not apologizing for flirting." Kalyss rolled her eyes. They had reached the Ga-Koro gates. She looked, and... no Vakua. Or Mura. Or Mirra. Or Wisp. Vesun was there, at least. Casanuva waved to him. She groaned heavily as she cradled her head. "I... I don't even..."
  8. I was like "Cool, something for Fyura to do, and... oh. Oh my. Well then." I think Vakua would want to be famous for different reasons.
  9. IC: Casanuva dredged up the least-sappy response he could. "You know what? That sounds great." The Fa-Toa started walking away, towards Kalyss. As he was walking away, he turned around. "See you soon, princess," he said, with a smile. Kalyss raised an eyebrow when he reached her. "Princess?" "Her words, not mine!"
  10. Well, the Volitak explicitly silences the user, so that rules out De-Toa detecting Volitak users.
  11. IC: Casanuva grinned. "Princess, you say? Well, it's my turn to say you certainly look the part. As for restaurants..." he trailed off, in thought. "The Great Takea I hear is pretty good, if you don't mind seafood. A bit of a rowdy crowd, though; Vakua worked there as a musician for a bit before I showed up. I saw the Crucible heading in, but that's more of the alcohol being served and the food making you thirsty."
  12. That... ended up longer than I was expecting. But anyway, character introductions! And, all the Toa Kalta are now in play! (Also probably the longest RP post I have written, ever)
  13. IC: The wind howled outside the grotto, several kios away from the entrance to Ko-Koro. There was a small fire; no bigger than it needed to be. Zueya wished it could have been bigger anyway, she mused as she warmed her hands. Around her, several refugees, most wounded from the massacre as they had attempted to leave the Koro, lay down. Most were ko-matoran; they didn't shiver at all. She sighed; of course they were adapted to this frozen biome. No vo-matoran around; from what she had heard, most of them would likely be in Onu-Koro. Only place where electric currents would be a danger. Under the earth, away from the sky. It was way too cold for this. She picked up a piece of deadwood that Aelied had created in a pile, and added some kindling (also provided). She held out her hand, and focused. She felt the static around her lessen as she drew it in, focusing on her target: the log. Electricity arced between her fingers, several sparks were emitted. Zueya narrowed her eyes, and focused more. Several bolts shot out, igniting the log. Zueya smirked. Her powers were growing easier and easier to control on her own; it was easy enough when Casanuva or Kalyss were there, since she could just use their elements as a shortcut, but she was still learning her capabilities. "It would probably be easier if you used your toa tool. Casanuva designed it for the express purpose of focusing your elemental power." Zueya turned, and saw her master emerging from deeper in the grotto. Aelied stood tall and slender, but not frail. She could almost her him creaking in the cold like an oak tree. Every inch of his armor was patterned with intricate carvings, even his mask. He began checking on the refugees, creating herbs and poultices as was necessary. They had arrived a couple days earlier, in time to see the battle end, and control over the Koro be consolidated. They had taken what refugees they could in secret, far enough to avoid notice from the forces in Ko-Koro, and had been learning what they could from them while nursing them back to health Zueya looked into the heart of the fire; the colorless core. "I was just trying to get a better control of my power on my own. You know, like the rest of the team." Aelied put a hand on her shoulder, smiling warmly. "All in due time. The fruit that ripens last usually is the sweetest." Zueya smiled. "Did... did your meditations reveal anything?" The elder Bo-Toa breathed deeply; the smile left his face. "I reviewed the situation. It is not favorable. The refugees here told me they have early detection devices of some sort, and are holding a number of innocents hostage, in case of retaliation." "Is this our mission?" The question caught Aelied somewhat off guard, but he recovered his demeanor. "I have a better question: can you live with yourself for allowing this to continue?" Zueya looked back into the fire, then to her hand. She charged it with voltage, enough to make the air smell of ozone. Aelied walked towards the entrance to the grotto. "I have to leave for a bit. I will return before nightfall." The Vo-Toa stood up. Her head didn't even reach Aelied's shoulders. Her lithe gymnast's body wasn't too far off from Aelied's, except with developed muscles as opposed to her mentor's wiry look. "Be careful, master." Aelied turned his head as he walked away, smiling. "You don't get to be my age without plenty of caution, Zueya." Aelied saw her sit back down at the fire, a glum look on her face. She didn't appreciate the situation fully, he thought. Regardless, he was sure: she would be a great Toa. The ancient toa turned his attention to the land outside the grotto: biting wind was howling. Not quite a blizzard, but enough to obscure sight; travelling would be difficult. Using his Greenstaff for support, he plodded off. The ornate Kualsi he wore glowed, and he disappeared, instantly reappearing some distance away. This repeated, until he reached the kavinika den. Ducking his head on the way in, he heard the bristling growls of the rahi dwelling within. He frowned. He was intruding, so he would have to leave these alive. Two circled him, looking to flank him. Aelied spread his feet as he choked up on his staff, and it animated into a large vine. No poison spikes today. He twisted around, whipping the one circling behind him, with the rahi yelping in pain as it was slammed away. The other leaped for Aelied's throat; the toa had seen this tactic before. He raised his forearm to intercept the bite, covering it with a thick layer of bark. The kavinika was not discouraged when he bit into the makeshift vambrace, and shook it. A metal disc flew at it, hitting the rahi's haunches before being blown back to the thrower's hand. The kavinika whimpered as it shrank off. Aelied looked up to where the disc had rebounded to; a Le-Toa, silver and green, muscular, average height stood, slotting the protosteel disc back into straps on his left arm, securing it as a buckler. Cyrix. "Keep your voice down, and follow me." The kavinika growled at Aelied, but backed down. Transforming the Greenstaff back into its wooden form, he followed, away from the den, and to a pile of rocks that made up one side of the cave. It looked a little lived-in, and there was a hole in the rocks about a third of a bio in diameter. Cyrix sat down, cross-legged, and began concentrating. There was a rush of wind, and then stillness. "Alright, I've set up a shell of vacuum around us. We can't be heard." "I can still smell you, though. You smell like kavinika droppings." Cyrix snorted. "Yeah, it was the only I could get them to ignore me when I camped out here. Anyway, you're not here to discuss accommodations, you're here for my tactical report." Aelied sat down across from the Le-Toa. "That is true. What have you learned in your reconnaissance across this island? Have you found the rest of the Toa Kalta?" Cyrix sighed, and looked at the stone ground between them. "I found them, but I don't think you're going to like this news." Aelied leaned in. "What happened? Are they still alive?" Cyrix leaned back, not meeting eye contact. "I was tracking Casanuva, like you said to. Again, on your orders, I hired a merc to test him. Unfortunately..." Cyrix trailed off, looking embarrased. "Turns out the Ba-Toa I hired was an assassin, and misinterpreted the job." Aelied started getting a look. "Nothing happened. Casanuva won, with an onu-matoran friend he picked up in Onu-Koro. There was some help from an Ussalry officer, the offending Toa was taken into custody. Casanuva was recuperating for a few days in Le-Koro, and left with a local guide for Ta-Koro. I let them go there, since Skorm showed up, not too far behind, tracking Casanuva like I was. On his way out of Le-Koro, though, he ran into... trouble." He looked haunted. A concerned look came over Aelied. "What transpired?" Cyrix looked shaken, and took a deep breath. "He ran into a Skakdi, which had strange powers. It splashed him with something, this green liquid, and Skorm... changed. He started leaking black stuff from his mask, and acted a lot more aggressive. I followed him to Ta-Koro, where it turned out whatever happened to him, he's not with us anymore. He wanted to kill Casanuva, and the rest of the Kalta. I followed him further, to Ga-Koro. The rest of the team was there, Kalyss and Vakua. Skorm, he... he killed someone. A guard, a Marine. That night, there was a fight, the rest of the team managed to fend him off, and he escaped into the jungle. I lost track of him after that, and headed here to meet up with you." There was a pause. It lasted a while; Cyrix ended and redid the vacuum sphere, to cycle the stale air. "This is... troubling. I don't know how... he never seemed unstable..." "I know. Whatever this stuff is, its dangerous." Aelied nodded, "That will have to be considered. What of the others?" "They're alive, and pretty much okay. Casanuva had his hand burnt, but was healing just fine, and Vakua almost drowned. From what I heard of them, they are heading here. By now they probably know what happened, don't know if their plans changed. Knowing Kalyss, probably not. They said they were taking the long way here, so it might be a while." "At least they are safe, for now." Cyrix frowned. "But anyway, back to the matter at hand, occupied Ko-Koro. You probably didn't notice, but they seem to have a sort of early-alert system set up. It was set up just after I got settled in here; I've been able to mask my movements as rahi movements, and covered any tracks I leave. I've been prodding the defenses, the system seems to detect sounds. I've been evading their patrols, but the kavinika have thinned out thanks to them. It's why they're a bit touchy at the moment." Cyrix looked out the opening in the cave. There was a point of light in the distance, though the fog and wind, shining. Ko-Koro. "What's the op, sir?" Aelied rubbed one of the crests of his mask; an mannerism he often did whilst pondering. "We rescued some of the wounded refugees that made if out of the pass leaving the city; we found out the dark forces within have two primary tricks up their sleeves: the early warning system, as you discovered, and hostages." Anger flashed onto Cyrix's face. "Hostages? Civilians?" Aelied nodded sadly. "They are holding them as insurance against any reprisals the other Koros might make." The Le-Toa smirked slightly. "Good thing we aren't working under their auspices." The elder Toa shook his head. "From the matoran descriptions, I don't think this Echelon cares." Cyrix frowned, looking out the opening. The cold bit into him, despite the lack of wind and snow in the cave, and the air was stale. This entire island seemed to be going to Karzhani. "Is this our mission?" Aelied leaned up. "Our immediate concern is likely to rescue these hostages." "But is this our mission?" The Bo-Toa sighed. "You know I can't answer that." Cyrix looked away, narrowing his eyes at the Koro. "I can get inside the fortress at night, assuming they don't have anything we are overlooking. You can probably just quick-travel inside, over the wall or through the gate. What about the girl?" "What about Zueya?" Cyrix looked at Aelied cynically. "You know. She's still training. She can probably get over that wall, but there's no way she isn't alerting half the forces inside." Aelied nodded. "True." he continued to ponder. Cyrix cycled the air again. "The gate is open, people are coming and going besides patrols. Mostly bandits, it looks like, but you two could conceivably bluff your way inside. That option has the downside of the bad guys knowing who you are, though." Aelied pondered, nodding slowly. "A valid solution." He rose to his knees. "We will continue our vigil. You continue monitoring the perimeter, find any weaknesses you can in their defense. I will return to Zueya, where I will begin working on a plan, and continue helping the refugees recuperate. In addition, I doubt we are the only ones in this position; if you find anyone performing similar reconnaissance, assist them as much as you can without revealing too much. Any allies we can find are invaluable." Cyrix nodded. "Yes sir." Aelied rose to his feet, and walked away. "Stay in the Light." Cyrix dropped the vacuum shell, and picked up his x-bow, pulling down his magnification goggles off his forehead. He peered through the opening, watching for activity. He listened as the air shifted as Aelied used his Kualsi, blinking away, This was going to be a rough operation. He just knew it.
  14. Well, that's just my interpretation, and my interpretations have been struck down in the past. The Volitak is for people who actually want to use stealth; its better if you are actually hiding. The Huna is more for sneaking past when someone is watching. Ironically, when Vakama uses his Huna in LoMN, that's kind of how I imagine the Volitak works; since the Huna is supposed to render the user completely invisible, that choice was probably made for the movie to make Vakama's actions more obvious.
  15. It says 'mostly transparent' on BS01, so I assume it's sort of like Active Camo from Halo. And, of course, they leave shadows; bane of Volitak and Huna users everywhere.
  16. IC: "Well, I got about half of those down pat. I'm certainly not the eldest, even if you don't count Aelied. And I'm sure Kalyss will state I am not the most dignified." He put his hand behind his head. "Though I'm pretty sure we can agree on that. So what position do you hold?"
  17. Yeah, I know it's not going to be a cakewalk. But again, this character's focus is Solid-Snake level infiltration (minus the cardboard box). And: Skorm is (was) just a brute who uses his Huna's invisibility as a tactical advantage in direct combat. Cyrix uses his mask as a tactical tool to enhance his own reconnaissance abilities.
  18. Well, two reasons: Fyura can get in easily enough, it seems, so that's not a problem, but she's specifically wanting to join up with the Legacy, and would like in IC reason to go get herself some antidermis. The other reason is actually a matter of infiltration. Either way, the Snake-level Volitak-wearing infiltration specialist is getting in, but it would help to know if he's scaling the walls or sneaking through the gate. EDIT: Also, I figured something out yesterday: I did state Casanuva was a weapons designer in his backstory, but that hasn't really come through except for his designing his rail sword; I decided that he was talented and creative enough at designing (not engineering, that is beyond him) toa tools. With the exception of Aelied's Greenstaff, he designed the other teammate's toa tools: Kalyss's channeled armor, Vakua's tuning spear, Zueya's coilstaff, and Skorm's reinforced saber. Cyrix doesn't use one, just his crossbow and grapple, and he never really got around to making one for himself until coming up with the rail sword.
  19. Ah, Fyura was going to apply for one of those anyway. Already got the specifics worked out with Nuju and everything!
  20. Fa-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la!

  21. I was reading that whist humming 'Deck the Halls', you should know. Fits quite well. Better start working on my character posts... That's quite a devious idea, to avert attack. Good thing the Kalta are deniable assets... One question: how 'open' is the city? Open gates with no questions, brutal interrogation to get in, corrupt guardsmen?
  22. IC: "Guess I shouldn't let you meet Skorm, then. Though he uses a saber..." Casanuva trailed off for a moment, then shook his head. "I'll take the short walk. Some people," he rolled his head at Kalyss, who was unamused, "say I have to go." The Su-Toa sighed. "I'll expect you back at the gates soon. Half an hour maximum." She turned to Sinshi. "Anyway, I have to go now. I wish you all luck in your talks. Can't go worse than it did this morning, at any rate. Probably." Casanuva nodded, turning back to the gorgeous Menti. "Say, I've told a little of our culture, why don't you tell me some of yours? I've heard the term First Son mentioned a few times." Casanuva smirked, "Sounds like a term I should familiarize myself with."
  23. And I thought I was joking when I said the timeskip would be a christmas present.
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