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Keeper of Kraata

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Everything posted by Keeper of Kraata

  1. Oh. OH. I'm getting some Gurren Lagann vibes from my solution to this. I'd like it; it would help with Kentoku being a little more tangible in my eyes, at least.
  2. What is Hala-Koro? I've never heard it mentioned, unlike Pala-, Xa-, and Ihu-.
  3. I doubt the Mangaia Pact will allow a Name Day truce, though.
  4. Which is dark magnetism. Magnetizing things that normally can't be magnetized. Oh, hey, what does a Toa of Magnetism control? Magnetic fields. I'm kinda hoping a normal toa can wrest enough control over the dark magnetism to at least dispel it.
  5. Hey, Casanuva has charisma. Maybe not 'talk the villain to death' levels, but it's still there.
  6. IC: "Well, his thing is pretty much mind-to-mind. He can put his thoughts in our head, and other thoughts in other heads. It's how we link up in battle. He can always sense thoughts, though, but he said he trained it down so that he only 'overhears' thoughts with him in them. From what I hear, though, you all get a bit touchy when he does it. Especially when he communicates directly with you. He can't get any reading on you all, though." Casanuva shifted his weight, putting a hand on his hip. Soraph was still smiling at him, but something seemed... off. "Kinda spooky, if you ask me. Can't imagine what it would be like for him. I'd imagine it'd be like talking to someone without a mask." The Fa-Toa's back straightened. "Anyway, since you have free run of the Koro, did you want to walk to the gate with me? See the Koro and all that?"
  7. IC: Casanuva narrowed his eyes. The silences were a little too long, but not enough to be awkward. He remembered, during training, when Vakua was still nervous and was intimidated by his boisterousness. He had held conversations with the others away from him, and there had been similar a similar silence. "So, uh, my brother Vakua mentioned to me that your telepathy is different than his. How so, if you don't mind my asking?" IC: Vakua chuckled silently and smiled. We should be heading out soon. Is there anything in particular we can do besides leaving you at a healer's?
  8. So, I have a question for people. What characters will become active again when Ko-Koro becomes back to the present, and what vague plans do people have for them? I didn't have any characters involved in the battle itself, but Aelied, Zueya, and Cyrix I have set to begin infiltrating the Koro, and Fyura is making her way there because hey, evildoers. And I want her to get an antidermis power.
  9. You wanna get metaphysical? We can get metaphysical up in here.
  10. IC: Verbal response is fine. You might look like a lunatic to any bystanders, but then again, Toa. Half of what we do is insane by normal standards. The De-Toa looked the two over, his visor glinting in the sunlight. He tapped his foot to some unheard beat. You are not looking too bad, for someone with a knife wound. Good thing you had it bandaged before removing it, at least.
  11. IC: Vakua came jogging back. Sometimes he wished Aelied had given him the Kakama and not the Suletu. He saw Mirra and Wisp, along with the Lesterin and Le-Toa. Guardsmen were busy with the Dasaka arrivals. They still need help?
  12. I'm ninjaxenomorph on skype, people can feel free to add me should they wish.
  13. As our christmas gift, we get villains asserting control! Yay, what I always wanted!
  14. IC: Vakua nodded, and took off towards the Marine HQ. Things just never stopped, did they?
  15. IC: Vakua pushed his visor back onto his mask, shaking his head. Do I need to get Eleen again?
  16. IC: Vakua sighed; more excitement? He walked up to Mirra, Wisp and Mura, opening his mind to them in the process. What's the problem here?
  17. Well, I added rough wiki pages for most of my characters. I will flesh them out at a later date.
  18. OOC: Yeah, sorry, I'm looking to wrap stuff up too. IC: Vakua left the Great Takea. He had left a note with the employees for if they ever saw Nunonu, and had already taken what little of a deposit for his rented hut he had left. He quietly sighed; he was going to miss this. A temporary bastion of almost-normalcy, lost to his duty. He rounded a corner, and saw the gate; several people were there, including Mura, Mirra, and Wisp. He cocked his hand in a curt wave. Elsewhere, Casanuva approached Soraph. The way the sunlight sparkled off her armor... he shook it off. "So, uh, I hope to see you when we get back?"
  19. IC: Skorm wheezed, a ragged sound coming from his ravaged throat. "No... not paralyzed. That would be... a blessing. I still feel... everything." As if to prove his point, Skorm's feet twisted around, scraping at the floor. He adjusted himself in Karna's grasp. "I mean... before that. Whatever the stuff that was splashed on me.. green stuff. It burned like acid, but cleared my head."
  20. OOC: Yet another reminder, that if you want Vault Loot, you need to PM the appropriate parties. Nuju Metru for Antidermis, Tyler for tech. IC: Skorm could feel the surge of strength provided by his willpower fading, replaced by almost unbearable pain, tempered by the gutwrenching burn he had felt since that fateful encounter in Le-Wahi. It had filled him with the conviction to think for himself, untethered by his past emotions, or morals. But... he didn't know why. "If nothing else..." Skorm grasped at his abdomen in pain, "tell me... What did you do to me?"
  21. I initially thought it was still the hook, but it looks like it was upgraded.
  22. I think any issue boils down to you are telling people what to do. No matter what the game, that's never exactly a wise thing to do.
  23. Well, they probably have something else up their sleeve. Catch a ride, maybe?
  24. I was considering having Fyura slide across using her axe as a hook... but then I remembered the cable isn't taut, and she'd get stuck halfway and have to climb across.
  25. Hey, Fyura paid her toll of twenty credits. And posed a viable alternative solution.
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