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Keeper of Kraata

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Everything posted by Keeper of Kraata

  1. I'm hoping the Kini-Nui group can finish up soon as well. I'd like for any of them that want to to reach Ko-Koro before my other characters...
  2. FUND IT is this rpg ready for purest love?Her goal would be to build a harem with all the elements.
  3. IC: Casanuva sprang to his feet. "I'm good, I'm good!" He leaned over, catching his breath. Kalyss chuckled. "At least our cultures have something in common. Always good to know you can find idiot men wherever you go."
  4. Fun fact: A LONG time ago (before the new forums, at least) when I played this Denrika and Kalyss were a pair of mercenaries: Denrika was a ta-matoran with a massive disc launcher (seriously, it was like a frigging ballista), and Kalyss was a Skakdi warrior alongside her. You can make matoran that stand up in battle.
  5. Hey, one could have been gender-neutral!
  6. I sometimes like to do an exercise where I reverse genders of my characters (in anything, not just RPGs) and see how I would be portraying them differently: Casanuva: It's difficult, given Casanuva's nature, but doable. Lady!Casanuva would probably be slightly more successful in her pursuit of women, but be even more social, and less combat-focused, or at least more focused on her elemental powers. Vakua: Given that Vakua is somewhat gender-neutral to begin with, not much would change. Only difference is, now you have a slender, mute, telepathic female rather than a male. Kalyss: Far too close to being a jock for my comfort, though he might be a little less aggressive, but less overall impressive. Skorm: Difficult to say. I would probably lean towards less brute-force tactics if Skorm was a lady. Aelied: Admittedly, the 'wise old herb lady' archetype is pretty cool. I would probably her as a bit more humorous than I will Aelied. Zueya: Wide-eyed nooblet toa-in-training. Not much changes, to be honest. Cyrix: Would probably downplay the stealth aspect and play up the sniper aspect. Denrika: might be less neurotic and more sleazy, given his position. Fyura/Vayde: Fyura wouldn't change much, but would likely be less humorous overall, since we have enough snarking evil male skakdi in the RPG already. Vayde doesn't identify, being a Parakuka and all, but I think it currently leans toward male. Reminds me of a male anglerfish that way.
  7. I have nine characters: two (three if Skakdi follow the same gender pattern as the matoran species) break the gender rules. Casanuva further breaks the color rules, since he is primarily blue instead of black. Also, I was wondering when someone would step in and say gender=/=sex, and could even be used to make an interesting character. Player freedom is still an issue I understand, along with railroading characters into specific conflicts. Edit: Krayzikk, what I was saying was that a De-Toa could use crystal as point of focus, perhaps allowing him to attack something further away. Crystal just allows for different tactical approaches when figuring in elemental powers, like how they will be less vulnerable to Iron, Magnetism, and Lightning.
  8. Well, Skorm killed a Marine NPC by drowning them (ironic), but as a consequence he's now a very much wanted criminal in Ga-Koro.
  9. I as much as I want to see someone else get their rear end handed to them by Echelon, I don't think masks are magnetic. Not even Ba-Toa can do that.
  10. I just pick on it because I seriously hate the whole 'Psionics and crystal go hand in hand' trope. Plus, Sonics is noted to be able to vibrate ANYTHING to pieces, it's just that crystals have that lattice structure that makes it so much easier. And as for 'chaining attacks', Vakua has proven to be good with making things emit vibrations in unison; use one piece of crystal to get on the same wavelength as the rest of the crystal, and you have a perfect sound that works for all of it. Although, waiting to see a joint Mata Nui/Kentoku armor special that ends up like Stalhrim armor from Skyrim would be pretty cool.
  11. Woot! Let's see... Casanuva is a rehash of one of my most beloved Bionicle OCs, Vakua was made with a little forethought, and Kalyss was the first I made with the Kalta in mind. From there, the rest were mostly made with planning around the bohrok-Kal powers concept. Denrika was embodied when I had fun with an NPC, and Fyura was made on short notice after 1) wanted a villain besides Skorm and 2) wanted to make a character that relies on martial rather than elemental prowess.
  12. IC: Fyura left the Outpost, noting its structure as much as she was able. "See zyou again zoon!" she chuckled under her breath. Resting her axe on her shoulder, she wandered out into the snow, towards Ko-Koro
  13. IC: Kalyss released Casanuva from her chokehold, who fell to his knees. "Actually, I'm not the highest-ranking member of the Kalta, that would be Aelied. We're hoping to find him in Ko-Wahi. He's ancient, though, older than the rest of the team combined. I can't think of a better leader." Stumbling to his feet, Casanuva spoke up. "I'm pretty sure there are turaga younger than him."
  14. IC: "... zeventeen, ehteen... Uh, hold on..." Fyura dropped the widgets on the ground, having counted them with one hand. With her other hand, she reached into her skirt, and rummaged around, and pulled out two more. "Nineteen, tventy! Forgot my secret stash." She tossed the two at Vandal. "Zo, exit? Yes?"
  15. You request it through official channels, and it will be worked out how you get it IC.
  16. You need to PM Nuju. As per the Vault Loot rules.
  17. IC: Fyura snorted again, looking at the Fa-Toa, with his knives. As much as she wanted to discount him, she knew his elemental powers constituted quite a threat. "Vell, it's a goot thing I 'appen to be in an intimate relazionship vith a Makuta follower." Either way, twenty widgets was not worth the trouble of fighting through who-knows-how-many warriors. She reached into her bag, and started pulling out handfuls of widgets, counting them one at a time. "Von, two, tree, vor..."
  18. Funny, I sent my character down there to join the Mangaia Pact, following instructions from a staffmember, and my character ended up bunnied and completely derailed.
  19. IC: Fyura made a pondering noise from deep in her throat, scratching her chin. "If I vere to, zay, run into any of zese... Makuta followers, how much vould my silence be vorth? Your band here does not zeem, ah, too fond of zem."
  20. It's been a while, but in Kini-Nui, anyone in the group that wants vault loot should arrange to get it. It might smooth things over if there is an OOC reason to get it.
  21. Well, those are reasons I don't want to play a Dasaka. If the Kalta were to somehow end up in Kentoku, it would be fun: Vakua's frustration with communication, Casanuva going stir-crazy from lack of material to magnetize, Kalyss being awesome and getting stuff done, etc. Not to mention how dangerous certain elements would be: Vakua can't talk to you, but he can still chain vibrations together, shattering all that nice crystal. Vakua using any allied Dasaka's crystal as focii for chaining attacks was something I wanted to go into with his contact with the expedition.
  22. I just really don't like caste systems. Yes, I understand there is a civil war to remove it currently occurring, but there is a reason it was abolished in India, and that I use a caste system in my webcomic as purely a construct of the villains.
  23. IC: Fyura received a feeling of glee from Vayde. Come to think of it, it wasn't such a bad idea. "Vhere I go is my business. Now, how much is zhour operation shaking me down vor?"
  24. Even though, if I remember, Kentoku has a similar amount of 'Toa' (Menti) to Mata Nui.
  25. IC: Fyura sized up this de-skakdi. She looked like she was modified; maybe not as much as Fyura herself had changed, since she still saw the glow of a vision power. At times, Fyura missed her laser vision. An image of her in full Parakuka-enabled fury popped into her head, with a note of sarcasm. Fyura ignored Vayde. "Conquered, you zay? Vell, zat is interesting." Fyura shifted her axe, choking up on it. "Who are ze lucky new masters of Ko-Koro?" Vayde was not a fan of this skakdi. Her two pets didn't look particularly inclined towards it, and he wanted to smash the almost alien implants in her forehead. Fyura shook her head subtly; she needed a little bit more of a reason to attack.
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