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Keeper of Kraata

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Everything posted by Keeper of Kraata

  1. IC: As the cable car approached the ledge, Fyura narrowed her eyes. Vortixx; the whole area smelled of them. Fyura hopped off onto the ground, her clawed toes digging into the surface. Smothing her leather skirt, she walked clear of the cable machine, drawing her axe to rest it on her shoulder. It was made from the shaft and one end of a Vorahk staff. She was large, even for a skakdi; she had an entire disc launcher mounted on her left forearm. She was primarily orange, but the color of some of her spines had diminished into a dull gray. She had a small bag tied to her belt, along with two smaller axes on hooks, alongside a volo lutu launcher. She carried her axe in a way someone carries the tool of their trade; familiar, an object of comfort. Fyura snorted, and spat on the ground. "Vell? I am not seeing an exit sign anyvhere. Or seeink any directions." OOC: If I am posting later today, it will be from mobile, just FYI.
  2. IC: There is not a great many things a being can do when suspended over a gigantic canyon by a hook being slowly carried by cable. Fyura didn't mind at all, she whistled and rocked from side to side on the cable. Vayde did mind the height; every time the cable shook, an image popped into Fyura's mind of worry and of her falling to her death. "Oh, shut up, zyou stupid slug. Ve are fine!" She got an image of herself boiling in lava. Fyura snorted and rolled her eyes. There were bigger things to worry about, such as the upcoming end of her little cable car ride: she had been warned about someone charging a toll on the Ko-Wahi side of the cable car. She had presumed it was some bandit squatters. The outpost that she was steadily approaching did not look like bandit squatters. She could spot some figures moving; not close enough to discern anything else.
  3. I believe it was stated that the Hiripaki's effects are permanent, even if the mask itself is gone. ... and I just fully read what the Warua does. ... SKORM NEEDS A FRIEND
  4. IC: Kalyss smiled. Whoever this was, she liked her. She just gave permission to punch Casanuva. She didn't really need permission, but the encouragement was always nice. Casanuva backed up. "Hey now, you said there wasn't time!" "Trust me, I can put you down faster than you can flirt your way into a mess we have to clean you out of." Kalyss's form shimmered as she activated her mask, speeding behind Casanuva. A kick took out his knee, and put him into a choke hold from behind with her left arm. Casanuva didn't do much to struggle; if he used his full range of powers, or the strength afforded to him by his Pakari, it would mean escalating this playful match. Kalyss extended her right hand towards Soraph, smiling. "Kalyss, Toa of Plasma. I'm in charge of the members of the Toa Kalta here."
  5. Well, at the very least its not gone forever, right? I can imagine a quest or something to re-empower it, and give it to someone more worthy.
  6. There isn't much science to be mad about, honestly.
  7. I was implying he would make an ideal test subject. If not compliant. Also, just throwing this out there: BZPRPG Antidermis is basically canon Energized Protodermis, but with 'Evil' as its factor rather than 'Destiny'.
  8. I ask because I know you need one thing: someone affected by it as a test subject. But they all have weird powers... Oh. But Skorm is strong enough to fight back if captured... Oh.
  9. I think some people are annoyed because it's closed off now. Lost Forever, you could say. Now, speaking of losing things, something I have been thinking about: Who, on the island, would be best at researching a cure for Antidermis?
  10. IC: Casanuva was about to say something charming, when he heard his sister. "Casanuva! We're leaving, now." "But I still need to find Nunonu-" "We. Are. Leaving. Vakua's dropping off a note at the Great Takea for him." Kalyss glared at Casanuva, then looked to the person he was talking to, and smirked. "Was he bothering you? I can deal with him if he was bothering you."
  11. There was one Legendary Mask in existence, and you broke it? You had one job!
  12. Aside from a few remarks that can be retconned, I think the Kalta (and their allies) are OK proceeding for now, given that: 1) they were going to Ko-Koro anyway, since between them they have been to every major Koro except Ko- and are searching for the rest of the team 2) Casanuva has explicitly made clear that he doesn't know how the battle resolved, and that is what gives him trepidation. If I proceeded after the timeskip, it would just be weird given that he is in the midst of talking to someone, then the available information changes so his information would be obsolete.
  13. I guess we just have to wait for Ghosthand's tide of Uni work to ebb so we can find out.
  14. I guess that's effectively a ban on playing until the timeskip, considering what most of my characters are doing. For the best, I supposes. For now its one less distraction so I can complete my CW manuscript, and later its more time for other stuff. Like Skyrim. Or... more Skyrim.
  15. Great, so the Kalta just magically know now.
  16. Yes, because the fall of a major settlement is the kind of thing people in power on Mata Nui keep to themselves. Look at it this way: let's say you have merchant A, about to disembark to Ko-Wahi to sell their goods. I don't think the guards are just going to let them go.
  17. Unless it was to be made secret, rumors have a way of spreading. Ta-Koro at the very least has to know, given they are taking refugees.
  18. Most people should know Ko- was under attack, since several messengers were sent out. Hence why Casanuva is still pondering that by the time he gets there, it could be anything from a ruin to an enemy fortress. I think we know which one it is though
  19. IC: Kalyss was getting impatient. It had been her intention to leave the day before, when Casanuva had started acting impetulant, Skorm's attack, and Eleen's investigation, and the arrival of the Dasaka. All well and good, but these were hours they couldn't afford to waste. "Vesun, we're going to get ready to go. Say your goodbyes, get any equipment you might have, and meet us at the gates in an hour. Vakua, same thing. Scrape together what money you can, we might need it. Put in a note at the Takea that we left, in case one of Casanuva's friends isn't leaving with us. I'm going to go find our brother." She activated her Kakama, and sped away. Not at full speed, but faster than she would be just running. Vakua sighed; one of the few sounds he could vocalize. Always in a hurry... but she does have a point. Much time has passed, and we should get going. I will meet you at the gate. Nodding a goodbye to Kirgan, the De-Toa walked in the direction of the Great Takea. It of course didn't take Kalyss long to zip around the Koro to find Casanuva; surprisingly, he was around some of the more important-looking ones, talking to a skinny-looking Menti. That one she had spoken to earlier, Sinshi, was there as well. Frowning slightly, she power-walked towards the group. Casanuva feigned surprise. "You have found me out! I travel the world, breaking hearts. Oh, what shall I do now?"
  20. IC: Casanuva grinned. "You can count on it. We are leaving today, as far as I know. But I'm sure my team can find me easily enough if they need to."
  21. IC: "Oh, if Ko-Koro fell, our mission will be purely infiltration and reconnaissance. Get intel on the city to help out any efforts made to retake it. Hopefully, the last two members of the team are doing the same, or are still there if nobody else is." Casanuva scratched his chin. He felt like he was being watched. "As for other dangers this fair island has, it can be dangerous traveling between the Koros. Feral rahi are quite a problem, not to mention any... malevolent travelers. I wouldn't worry too much about bandits and the like, though. Most of the scum appears to have gone to Ko-Koro, and your expedition looks well enough guarded."
  22. IC: Casanuva nodded. "A great many of them can, I'd guess. As far as I know, most of them are Toa, though there are others: Lesterin don't have powers but are still dangerous, Skakdi have to use their powers in conjunction with another skakdi, and there are always matoran. But I've heard they have other powers, too. Strange powers, rare masks, and zombies. More scary than Tryna-made zombies, I've encountered those, they aren't that bad. Their leader, Echelon, is supposedly the greatest master of Magnetism in existence." Casanuva looked in the distance, to Mount Ihu. "Kind of hoping I don't have to prove that the rumor is clearly wrong." Kalyss started walking into the street, and was joined by Vakua. She watched Kirgan's goodbye in silence. She knew it was always possible it was the last.
  23. IC: Instead of letting his shoulders droop, Casanuva stood taller. "Actually, I don't think I'll have the time when you are done. The Kalta are leaving to Ko-Koro soon. We've been to every other Koro on the island, with no sign of our last two members, so they are probably there. And last we heard, it was under heavy attack by Makuta followers and not doing so well..." Casanuva sighed, and crossed his arms in front of him. "By the time we get there, it's either going to be a wartorn ruin, or an active hostile fortress. It'll be the Kalta's first combat mission." The words lingered in the air. "So how long is your expedition going to be here?" Casanuva smiled again. "Might give me something to look forward to."
  24. IC: Vakua turned to Kalyss. You hear his offer? "I heard it." The Su-Toa turned, sizing him up. "We're in no position to refuse. And we are down a Ba-Toa. Coordination might be an issue." But he can join us. "Yes. We would be glad to have you along."
  25. IC: Casanuva smirked. "It could be."
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