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Keeper of Kraata

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Everything posted by Keeper of Kraata

  1. Yay, broke 1K posts! Now it actually kinda looks like I've been a member for nine years.

    1. Ghidora131


      With that ugly of a face, why not? XD

  2. IC: Kalyss nodded. "It's on the way, anyway. Besides, Casanuva will throw another tantrum if he doesn't get his sword. After that, we could either take the tunnels to Onu-Koro, and from there to Ko-Wahi, or go directly there. Depends on who is coming." Vakua shook off the remainder of his headache, and offered a hand to Vesun. My apologies you became involved in our... Skorm problem. I hope what we did was worth the trouble you went through. Casanuva brightened up. "Well! In the brief time I was here, I was at the Great Takea. Didn't have time to do much there, but I hear they have good food, good drink, and if we could rope my brother Vakua in, good music." Casanuva noticed she seemed slightly distracted, like she was holding two conversations at once, whilst paying attention to him. Not unlike when Vakua was communicating with someone. He decided to stay silent.
  3. IC: "Well, the thing with that is that I don't know who deployed us. We woke up on beaches around the island, our memories scrubbed of anything not our training. It wasn't perfect, but we don't remember where we came from. Only thing we remember is that we were matoran, Aelied chose us, and we were given Toa Stones. After that, we were trained together. Trained into the warriors we are today, all six of us, together." Wait, six? Me, Kalyss, Vakua, Zueya. And Skorm. That's five. Was I counting Aelied? Oh well, doesn't matter. "No, I'm fine. We... recently lost a brother. Skorm. Attacked us. Tried to murder us. Got away with killing a Marine, critically injured another." He had absentmindedly got a few ball bearings and was turning them over in his hand.
  4. IC: Nature person. Good to know. Casanuva decided against mentioning the killer insect rahi. "Well, that's somewhat of a complicated question. To be simple, I am a member of the Toa Kalta. We were deployed here on a mission, and in general we try to protect innocents." Casanuva put his hands behind his head, contemplating. "As for what I do, I come up with some of the more... creative uses for our powers in conjunction with each other. I'm also one of our best fighters." He furrowed his brow, and the smile disappeared as his eyes looked down. "The best, now that I think about it."
  5. Heh, I drew that comparison myself some time ago. Problem for me is that I want to play Bionicle, not A Song of Fire and Ice with a bunch of concepts I am unfamiliar with. And I kinda like Good vs Evil; the only character I have that can't be fit into one of those is Denrika, who is a random receptionist I liked. And possibly a new character, if my race petition goes through. It's not like either side is 100% pure good or evil, though with Skorm's one-track mind, I haven't been able to adequately explore concepts like free will and stuff.
  6. Makuta, his forces, and his worshipers when he was still around?
  7. IC: While Soraph was distracted, Casanuva shot a dirty look at the rahi while waving feathers out of his face. Feeling out, he sensed the bird's innate magnetic field, which told it north. "I'm going to guess they have something to do with rahi?"
  8. IC: Casanuva chuckled. "The only thing I need is to get to know you better. I can't say I'm familiar with Clan Vilda, who are they, if you don't mind my asking?" Vakua took Vesun's hand and was pulled to his feet. I'm sorry I couldn't do more, but stopping any further damage is better than nothing. The De-Toa rubbed his forehead, trying to ease out the negative emotions. It didn't work. Kalyss walked over and put a hand on Vakua's shoulder. "Well, looks like you're done. How'd it go?" Not as good as I hoped, but adequate. I stopped the decay, but the amnesia is still there. Kalyss thought for a moment, before responding mentally. Amnesia? Any insights into ours? Negative. Though I do not particularly want to. I think our memories were suppressed so we would not reveal anything. We may have been sent to help, but think about it: if our homeland sent us here, with an unknown mission and erasing our memories, there must be a reason.
  9. Plus, we are familiar with Mata Nui, or at least we think we are. It's a bit difficult to pick up a new culture.
  10. Magmatide Inn is basically a smaller version of a shady hotel. No room service, no bar.
  11. IC: Vakua nodded, slowly. His mind was still reeling, but otherwise, he was fine. I am just a little frazzled, that is all. Did it help? Kalyss looked back to the pair. "Well, if Vakua is done over there, we just need to do some other stuff to get ready. Then we are apparently going to Ta-Koro."
  12. My first episode was the latest, and this is really helpful. Even if my character is the 'butt' of many jokes. ... I just did it again, didn't I.
  13. IC: Casanuva blinked before turning to face the Menti. "Hello!" he said, somewhat caught off guard. Typical of him, he thought, to look through a sea of answers only to miss the most beautiful one beside him. This one seemed practically constructed to be perfect, which he could see even though she was draped in cloth. The outsiders seemed to have a strange obsession with wearing it; Casanuva remembered how he and Skorm had got into a wrestling match in training when he made fun of the Ba-Toa's cloak. He decided against making any remarks on it at this time. There was plenty other topics of conversation at hand. He put on his most charming smile. "I don't think I've had the pleasure of meeting you. I'm Casanuva, Toa of Magnetism." Vakua didn't have any power to affect minds, not like he would need to forcibly calm Vesun down. He could feel the tendrils of panic leaking into his mind. Vakua wracked his mind for positive memories to calm the Ba-Toa down; he found the successes in his training, whether he had witnessed it or accomplished it himself. Kalyss speeding through a tunnel, breaking records; Casanuva and Zueya coordinating their powers in a beautiful display, Vakua shattering his first target, Skorm, as he once was, emerging victorious from a final test, smashing fists while laughing with... someone? He didn't recognize him, and he didn't have time to contemplate. Finally, he searched out the time when Aelied had met them all, and called them his brothers and sisters, telling them he was proud to call them Toa.
  14. On the other hand, Vakua now actually has a goal post-mission: become Mata Nui's first radio DJ.
  15. Ah. Messes up a few of my older posts, but those could easily be retconned into 'overheard news on the street'.
  16. Hmm. So, tech question: I know telegrams exist, but what do those entail? Just like real telegrams? Also, I seem to recall radios. Those actually exist or am I just being crazy?
  17. OOC: Sorry 'bout the wait! I get ahead of myself sometimes. Worries me that the other guys I need to leave with haven't posted in forever... IC: Kalyss looked down at the su-matoran; Mura seemed shaken. "What happened to you? You look like you saw a rahkshi or something." Casanuva smiled slightly, shaking his head. The diplomats were starting to do boring stuff. And leaving. There were still some of the outsiders around the landing, mingling, of course. Casanuva looked around. These weeks had been stressful, he realized. Ba-Toa (plural, even!) trying to kill him, his teammates, the burn, dealing with people... he needed to relax for a while, blow off some steam. And hey, these visitors were, if his eyes didn't mistake him, all female. It was practically his duty to give someone an interesting story to tell when they made it back home. The Fa-Toa straightened his mask, cleared his throat, and scanned the crowd for the toa-sized ones, Menti they were called? Time to make some personal first contact. OOC: Alright, which Menti player wants to be on the other side of another diplomatic incident?
  18. ... I'm sorry, what? Not getting what you said.
  19. I have sent them PMs. Several times. Neither of them have checked them since mid-November.
  20. Hrmm. Two players that are involved with my characters have taken extended leaves of absence, one (megazordman) hasn't even been online since late November, and MoMN hasn't responded to my communications. MoMN and I made a pact where we can bunny our characters if we need to change topics and whatnot, but I have no such arrangement with the other guy...
  21. Well it was pretty much answered, so I'm good.
  22. Nah, Matoro. Died for our sins and all. I have a question, mostly aimed at Kughii: I was delving into the wiki and everything when looking for Ishi's injuries at the hands of the Abettor, and saw that he is currently in Onu-Koro with somebody named Dervish. Who exactly is that? Can't find a profile or wiki page on him.
  23. No. Ishi was likewise abused.Just read the wiki. Ouch.
  24. ... In other news, was Skorm really the first PC to be harmed by the Abettor? Because if he is, that kind of explains why Nuju went all out.
  25. Listening to the podcast, BZPtime kinda broke me when the 'Entropy beetles have been a thing for about a day', when Skorm was there at the genesis, and has trekked through three location topics since then. I'm just going to think that they were breeding for a while. "Skorm isn't taking a stand anytime soon." OOOOOOOOOOOOOH
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