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Keeper of Kraata

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Everything posted by Keeper of Kraata

  1. I have been pronouncing it like cabbages.
  2. And that was the first time. All of the characters have a few flashes.
  3. Like what? The most intact memory anyone had was Vakua's a while back.
  4. It was a thing in Unofficial Kalta Homeland That Is Not Named And That Nobody Remembers Fully. Good thing Skorm got his memories gauged out. Or bad, seeing what happened to him.
  5. It wasn't meant as his bio so much as a reasoning for his motivations. I would have mentioned he was a gravitics engineer as a Ba-Matoran if I had.
  6. Breakdown of Skorm's character: Pre-Toa, he was very driven and focused. He approached problems head on, never backing down until he succeeded. He is clever, but stubborn. Toa: Skorm becomes very skilled, moreso than his teammates. He feels he is doing his duty, but misses the simplicity of his old life. Deployment: With his memory wiped, he is confused, a little angry that his entire life was taken away from him when he didn't really have a choice. But, seeing as he knows nothing else, he just tries to track down his team and join up. Antidermis exposure: Skorm's thinking is warped. He grows resentful of his team, to the point where he hates them for stealing away his old life; he knows he's never getting it back, so he wants it back in blood. The antidermis also takes away any morals he had, leaving behind a cold, remorseless hunter who becomes frustrated when his plans don't end up working. So yes, he has no morals when it comes to accomplishing his goals, but he still has respect, a measure of empathy, etc. I wouldn't say he would go out of his way for evil, its just he has no standards when it comes to what he will do to accomplish his goals.
  7. Pfft, Skorm never had any humanity to start with. Neither did any of my other characters. Because, well, none of them are human.
  8. OOC: I... think that's Thok speaking? IC: Skorm breathed heavily, his throat coated with black ichor. He looked to the white skakdi. In the pain, he couldn't tell if the skakdi was grinning more than he was when he entered the scene. "Anything."
  9. IC: Skorm wheezed as the Skakdi walked away, joined by the four other Piraka. He hadn't trekked for days, fought rahkshi, and had his pelvis smashed for fun. His goal was right here. He wasn't letting it slip out of his fingers. Again. Skorm coughed and hacked. "N-no! I... can be remade! Y-...you did it before!" His mask wore a mixed look of fury, pain, and desperation; but also, determination. He would crawl across a dozen islands with his hands if it meant reaching his goal. "I... I will do anything..."
  10. "I think we can market this by saying it covers your daily iron intake."
  11. "I call this the ferrous tonic. Probably won't shred your internal organs."
  12. Personally, I despise the taste of alcohol, and have seen alcoholism first-hand. But, I understand that other people don't have problems with it. Besides, Casanuva had to meet the cute she-matoran somewhere. Something like that.
  13. Of course there's a lot of alcohol, its the first thing men invent after swords.
  14. Out of my characters, I know Casanuva has, Vakua probably has (worked in a frigging bar as a musician, he got at least one free drink), Kalyss too probably, Cyrix definitely, Skorm probably, and Aelied is too old not to have drank. Zueya I can see as seeing herself as too young, and Denrika is probably too nervous.
  15. Coursework is FINISHED, so I can finally do things besides monitor the N&D topic!
  16. OOC: Done with coursework, so LETS DO THIS IC: I will try. The memories are getting worse, though, whatever is causing the problem is close. Kalyss looked around; wasn't Mura somewhere? He had just disappeared. Kalyss frowned; not again. She took a few steps out into the street, still looking back at Vakua tending to Vesun. She couldn't leave them alone... "Mura! Mura, you around?" Meanwhile Casanuva had been watching the interactions with the Dasaka. He smirked as he overheard Mako's interaction with the rahi. "From what I hear, a mental handshake kinda thing might have smoothed things over with my brother."

  18. Casanuva would be willing to sell him a luxurious summer home on the coast of the Kalta's home island.*
  19. If the Kalta's mission is successful, I could see them doing it. Or at least helping out significantly, because, you know, intel.
  20. Well, the Toa Kalta are definitely in. Whether their attempt at infiltration will be successful is another matter.
  21. Inside intel and sabotage would be nice. We'll have to see what the defenses are when the timeskip post goes up. Heck, that what I plan to have Aelied, Zueya, and Cyrix do once they are introduced post-timeskip.
  22. I just specifically remember Akiri Jaller refusing aid. Not much can actually be said otherwise, since I don't know about the others.
  23. Well, it looks like the other Koros sat around during the actual battle. Bringing up poison reminds me, the one element we know comes front-loaded with knowledge is Jungle, since they have knowledge of herbs... and, by extension, poisons, and other toxins. Aelied just got a lot more interesting...
  24. Ah, finished updating the music links for my characters. Kalyss has her complete one now! RWBY has such great fight music. Now I gotta find a way to use Caffeine...
  25. But there is a difference between walking normally and attaching and detaching yourself to take a step.
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