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Keeper of Kraata

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Everything posted by Keeper of Kraata

  1. I think comparitively, the Ba-Toa's most unique power is affecting gravity wholesale, for an entire area. Skorm was a fan of reversing gravity under his feet to fall between the floor and ceiling. Doing something similar would probably be a lot more awkward for Magnetism to pull off, special variant or not.
  2. The staff's confidence in my abilities, openness, and respect for players like myself astounds me. ... As long as Kalyss can keep her neon flares. I like the neon flares. As for the lack of versatility, I guess it's the price of having the sun in your hands.
  3. Functionally, I believe it has the same effects, for the most part. Technically, it's accomplishing things in a far different manner. Magnetism, or at least Echelon's, seems to be far more precise than gravity; in addition, Gravity is forever constant, while magnetism must be created; the concentration required to make yourself float, for example, would be almost a no-brainer for Gravity, more difficult (though easy for Echelon) with Dark Magnetism.
  4. I'd like to imagine Su-Toa are the characters with the most know-how about 'elements', in that 'Well, this stuff can get really hot, this stuff is really bright, I can tweak this to be really cold, this one is white, this one is orange, this one is pink...' It just seems a bit unfair to limit an entire element to 'supermelty', when so much more fun (and non-combat) uses can be had with the element. But yeah. No min-max powergaming please. If I wanted that, I'd go play a PbP Pathfinder game. This is a narrative game, first and foremost. I have been involved in two PvP fights, Casanuva vs Silo and Skorm vs ... lots*. The former was pretty straight-up; Silo ended up living, if in jail. He ended up being outnumbered, really. Had help not arrived, I don't doubt that somehow Casanuva would find some way to escape; I don't think either me or Sil went into that with serious intent to kill the other guy. The latter example was more narrative-driven, with me coordinating with most of the other players involved to find a way for it to work; still didn't go exactly according to plan, since without everyone else involved, it would have been a pretty bad fight for everyone else, given that Skorm knows their abilities and tactics. Ultimately, besides minor wounds, only 2 NPC casualties (a murdered Marine from earlier, and one that Skorm held hostage heavily injured). *I'm not counting Skorm's encounter with either Zaktan nor the Abettor, since I gave control over to Nuju for Skorm's unwilling antidermis dosage, and the latter I had absolutely no control over.
  5. 1) Possible and possible, I suppose. 2) If I recall, there is a bit of equivalent exchange going on. You throw in Echelon (which still has the same logical issues that were brought up earlier), so you end up bringing something bad back. 3) And yes. Their powers were sort of confusing, and with the advent of the Dasaka, they had a better reason.
  6. *Clarification: they WILL see the Huna's shadow. It might be in complete darkness, but they will notice you. On the one hand, I see the point you are trying to make: the good guys know where Echelon is. An assassination would seem simple. On the other hand, he is behind the largest concentration of villains beyond, what, the Rahkshi attacks?
  7. Also, the 'innate magnetic field' think is only about as strong as a compass... and it can be turned off. If he wasn't too busy laughing, mind-controlling you, or laughing at you mentally while mind controlling you to call guards. I mean, I plan to have the Kalta go into the heart of darkness, and they've heard enough about Echelon that the only one that would want to get near the guy is Casanuva, and only then to gauge his powers. The Shelek is... vault loot. So... yeah.
  8. The problem with your logic is that it brings a magnetic field within a mile of Echelon. It's like trying to burn a toa of fire, or drown a toa of water. At some point he just smiles and wraps your body around your mask. Also, electromagnet doesn't require cold; its just an electric field going through a coil and generating magnetism.
  9. That's just the kind of theorycrafting we avoid. Also... why do you even think that would work? To make an electromagnet out something metal (in this case, our buddy Echelon), you just need electricity, and magnetism. And then, a magnetism user of Echelon's skill could easily nullify it, and use his dark magnetism to repel the Fe-Toa's metal, even if it was non-ferromagnetic.
  10. I think that Earth has more 'seismic' powers as well; Onua's cave-in in MoL being a more extreme example.
  11. Winners don't do Antidermis. Power-hungry villains do, though. I'm pretty sure it's possible, but easier if you actually have a rod to attract them to. Magnetism and Lightning being two sides of the same coin. I will of course defer to those in authority.
  12. Allow me to introduce you to Echelon and Eisen, played by your good friends Ghosthands and Krayzikk. Be afraid. But Echelon sold out for Dark Magnetism! He could do that with anyone who has a solid medium as an element. That combo is why, for the 'last' member of the Kalta, I chose Jungle over Iron; otherwise, it would have been just too silly.
  13. Combo platter of both. Ko-Koro is where I have the 'reunion' set in my 'plan', but circumstances will likely change. They have already, since Skorm is currently in no position to walk.
  14. (Also, Vakua acts as a coordinator for the group) I am very much looking forward to the timeskip in Ko-Koro. I'll finally be able to give a proper introduction to my final three characters that I have profiles for. Will be fun.
  15. Yes. Yes it is a rude situation. I should note that my approach to these kind of feats isn't 'Ha ha, you ded!' PVP, it's more an approach as 'this is cool, how can I use it without stepping on my friendly neighborhood RPer's toes?' Except for Plan Off-The-Railcannon. But that one involves at least one character death, and that's mine.
  16. Well, it isn't just three schlubs, it's the Kalta. It's not just MY plan. Though the names might be different; I also have Plan Circus, for mixing a Calix and a Pakari. (Hint: strongman and acrobat)
  17. It WILL be done. Plan Electromagnet will be set into motion when I am done with this coursework by tomorrow night. Even better when you mix in Su-; magnetic field contains plasma, electricity amps up the power, and they work together to shoot it. I call that Plan Plasma Cannon.
  18. Woot woot! And just in time for my coursework to be (almost) finished!
  19. Well there goes my idea of a mad hatter fe-turaga slinging around quicksilver. Also, while we don't really have a precedent for multiple states of matter, I believe it IS necessary to mention that Plasma technically encapsulates an entire state. Edit: I do think there should be a decision between 'doesn't exist' and 'can't control it'. Since it's kinda silly that an entire mineral with a host of actual uses is banned for something some people can't do with it.
  20. It would probably be referred to as quicksilver, rather than mercury, though.
  21. Mercury should exist, if cinnabar exists as an ore. Since the element was extracted as early as Roman times, I would think that Onu-Koro would have extraction furnaces.
  22. The art I have of Casanuva was drawn by a guy calling himself Arkhad, Toa of Metal. Swell guy, liked his style.
  23. All in all, no worse than toa of Water controlling different liquids, and not water in alternate forms (such as vapor, or ice).
  24. Sil(o?), sorry about my absence from the Ga-Wahi topic; finishing coursework for college, and I only have so much time and focus I can direct elsewhere, so it's normally limited to posting in here. Plus, Vakua's posts in particular now require a significant amount of forethought and planning.
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