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Keeper of Kraata

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Everything posted by Keeper of Kraata

  1. All of those are great in theory, but in practice the quest has none of those.
  2. I've seen high-level D&D groups stumped by similarly easy problems, to find that no, they really can't deal with the 10-foot gap.
  3. They buy a matoran set and build it together.
  4. Gotta work those rahkshi heads. ... Hmm, I should find that post with the demographics of characters, I need to find how many non-standard race characters there are.
  5. I believe that all vortixx are well-endowed in the chest area. Even the males. Especially the males.
  6. Well put, IcarusBen. While I accept the need for simplifying things to what we know about humans, I do feel a line was passed somewhere; humans are just so squishy. A human, even one that was at the peak of endurance and 'toughness', wouldn't get through the pummeling the Toa Metru took Akalini field without severely injuring themselves, when the Metru were just banged up and winded. I accept the terms, though. Not like I can do this anywhere else, so we have to play by these rules, however much we may dislike or disagree with them.
  7. On a less argumentative note, I believe today marks the end of the third month I've been playing the BZPRPG! Yaaay.
  8. Bring it on, coursework!

  9. Well, it muddles the issue that pretty much everyone can agree masks are hard... but Tahu got his mask scratched and and got a nasty infection in MoL.
  10. I try to avoid terms that by nature implicate a more organic nature. It makes facial features weird. I mean, I can assume there is a basic 'skeletal' structure, but I prefer to think of armor as a combination of 'skin' and actual armor that is worn. 'Bone' is just endoskeleton, though, and I hate assuming that toa have the same skeletal features as a human. I can make exceptions for viscera, but I prefer to keep it to a minimum, Skorm not withstanding.
  11. IC: Skorm chuckled, the ooze reverting to its previous viscosity. He wasn't particularly surprised that he wasn't immediately recognized. "We met... in Le-Wahi. You splashed me with something... After that, I became free." Skorm waved off Karna, who didn't seem all that concerned that his current patient was refusing his care. He gritted his teeth as he levitated himself upright, standing free of any of his companions. "I am Skorm. I have enemies that wish to defend this rahi-hole of an island. I heard rumors of the Mangaia Pact, and that those feeling more... morally liberated could throw their lot in down here with them. Since I am outnumbered against my foes, I thought it would benefit me to join up with them." Skorm smirked. "Besides... In the off-chance I succeed at driving my foes before me, what then? Better among allies I could celebrate with than those that might hunt me down." Skorm's control faltered, and he dipped slightly, the antigravity giving way a bit before the Ba-Toa shrieked through closed teeth and threw his arm around Karna's shoulder. OOC: Mobile, obviously, but I also am going to be busy the next few days. I might see, but won't have the chance to respond until like friday, my next day when I know I'm solid.
  12. Are you referring to the Maru? I hope you ARENT referring to them as Mary (Sues).
  13. 'They turn into the rock around them. See that one we are using for a Kohlii ball? That used to be one of our bravest warriors.'
  14. The staff's top men come and take it. Top. Men.
  15. Well, now I just feel like a jerk for including toa stones in the Kalta's backstories.
  16. IC: Skorm hacked up another mouthful of black ooze. He surmised he must be delirious from the pain, because the Skakdi that had walked up looked familiar... no, he knew this one. He recognized those eyes, the same as in Le-Wahi. He remembered the almost acidic bite of the substance thrown at him... Skorm had felt pain then, but it had freed his mind of the poison of his 'allies'. He shuddered as he reached out: "You... I remember you..."
  17. so would i but i'm not gonna write a plot entirely around them just to have them. people from canon will show up, like the piraka did, if we can find a plot that they fit into naturally - and if they can lead into something even greater in the future. its not a yes or no, it's just a que sera sera type of situation end of story. -Tyler What I meant was I can actually envision them being in the RPG; they could fit, unlike stuff like the Visorak or something.
  18. That is a good point, actually. I could see the Barraki making an appearance, pre-mutation.
  19. The rahkshi was at highly increased mass due to density control, I think I had at x10. So it wasn't just one rib, more like... this. Anyway, Skorm's mind isn't exactly functioning like a standard Toa's right now.
  20. Well, that's MY plan. To achieve what we went into Mangaia for in the first place. Also Nuju's suggestion. And Skorm is kind of tough, and bull-headed. If he was going to pass out, he would have done so when the density control rahkshi smashed his chest.
  21. Funny thing, I specifically mentioned no foreign tech wheelchair when asking what Nuju's plan was. That sucks about the internet, I definitely feel that pain. Anyway, the reason Skorm is screaming (and I was emphasizing its loudness) was to make Zaktan interested. But, should Skorm be confined to a chair, I'm totally pulling a C-3PO and having it just levitate places.
  22. If everything is slow, it might be interesting to note that another me,ber of the Kalta was introduced in a flashback of Vakua's in Ga, which I can't link to because mobile. I would call him new, but technically, he's the oldest by a wide margin. Also, the Kini-Nui group is all kinda waiting, and there's only so much I can think of for screaming.
  23. IC: We are doing fine. I am going to try to make sense of this one... stand by... This should work- Vakua was working at his desk. The de-matoran adjusted his headphones, and frowned. It was impossible to get rid of this reverb, it kept bouncing around whenever Vakua adjusted something. He twisted a knob on the panel in front of him, and the sound clip distorted. He was beginning to think this wouldn't work. The door behind him cracked and opened. Vakua winced as he turned, and bright light shone into the room. Vakua blocked out the light from his sensitive eyes as he looked towards the opener. An indistinct figure, almost a shadow. 'Toa here, to see you,' it signed. 'Toa? Why?' Vakua signed back. 'Don't know. You ask.' The figure crept out of the room, and the door was opened fully by a tall figure. A tall, thin Bo-Toa, wearing a dark green Kualsi. His armor was etched with ancient lines and symbols. "You are Vakua, yes?" The toa spoke softly, enough so Vakua's hearing didn't hurt. Vakua stared, awestruck for a moment, then nodded. 'You Aelied?' he signed. Aelied smiled, and knelt down. "Yes, I am, and I have something for you." The Toa opened a satchel he was carrying, and slid out a kanohi. It was black, but Vakua didn't recognize the design. 'Why?' Grasping Vakua's hand, Aelied handed him the mask. "Because," he whispered, "you have been chosen for something very special. And this is the beginning." Vakua looked over the mask, back and front; besides not recognizing the design, it wasn't a mask of power or anything of the like, just a normal kanohi, like the noble matatu he was wearing. "It's a special mask, a Suletu. It's very rare, but it's yours now." Aelied stood and walked away, leaving Vakua still pondering. "You will be called in a few days. Be sure to wear that. I look forward to seeing you. Stay in the Light." Vakua couldn't see because of the harsh light, but he thought the toa might have been smiling. Aelied shut the door, leaving Vakua once again in darkness. -but I am not sure if... I am sorry, some... very old memories. Did not think I remembered that much. Anyway, I think I sorted out that memory. You arrived by canister? Lucky. We Kalta just woke up on a beach.
  24. IC: Vakua put both hands on Vesun's head and closed his eyes. Now, I am going to delve into your thoughts. I will need you to think back, of everything you can, especially things you have trouble with. Since I am to be poring through your memories, I apologize that there will likely be sensitive things I will find; you have my discretion. There will also likely be some bleedover, since I will be using my mind as a buffer. Vakua entered the toa's mind, mask glowing brightly, and delved through his surface thoughts, going deeper. He felt the memories from the previous night surface, though it felt strange to view the action from a different set of eyes. Forcing himself past that, he wriggled his way to the past. As he went further, he started noticing something, the faces fading, the words turning to gibberish. Decay. Any signs he found were relayed back to his own mind, processed, cleansed, then shot back to Vesun's. But these were symptoms, where was the root cause?
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