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Keeper of Kraata

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Everything posted by Keeper of Kraata

  1. Lose the 'o'?

    1. silo


      It was a necessary sacrifice :P

  2. OOC: Sorry for the wait, been busy. IC: Vakua, looked around, and nodded. He sat down, and took a deep breath. Kalyss, I am going to be delving into Vesun's mind; I need you to watch over us. I will be entirely focused on his mind, so I won't be able to respond to you, or anyone else. If something goes wrong, taking off the mask will of course end it, but be careful. Kalyss nodded. "Got it. I'll keep watch." Vakua looked to Vesun. Ready?
  3. IC: The black, viscous substance that would appear to have replaced Skorm's blood leaked out of various joints and sockets, Karna worked to stop the flow, bandage, splint. The ooze crept up the doctor's fingers, before Karna recoiled slightly. OOC: Just realized that a makeshift stretcher could be made by Skorm's cloak, and the two rahkshi staves. Hooray for first aid training!
  4. OOC: Quick mobile reply, but Skorm wasn't refusing treatment, not at all. He's saying don't hold back because he's still awake. Also, some people seem to forget that his drive is literally hard-wired into him by the antidermis. It's impossible for him to just retire and seek forgiveness. IC: Skorm couldn't hold in his scream as Karna started manipulating the mechanisms and biological components in his body. He writhed in midair as his screams echoed throughout the tunnel.
  5. To the best of my knowledge... 1) Dunno. Kinda hoping so. 2) Probably not/probably/probably 3) Black magic lies down that path 4) Ask a Brotherhood member 5) 1 vault loot per character. Skorm got the power of 'magic reason to turn evil' from his Antidermis exposure, and he's locked out of vault loot. And to think, a while ago that was his biggest problem...
  6. Actually, I recall seeing Emzee at one point as well. Two people confirm the sightings!
  7. I was kidding, just relating the only experience one of my characters had relating to Hewkii.
  8. There was a sandstorm! And he did NOTHING!
  9. I don't think Ghost!Skorm would catch on quite as well as Ghost!Nappa...

  10. There are no strings on me... Oh wait, there they are!

  11. Nah, Skorm has that whole antidermis taste. A couple bites and you check the expiration date. On the plus side, somewhere, Aelied just breathed a sigh of relief that his mask won't end up decorating Skorm's shoulder. I can't speak for his survival, of course, but it just went WAY up.
  12. IC: Skorm gritted his teeth. "I'm... still awake. I can put myself into antigrav traction." Skorm mustered what concentration he could, and removed gravity's effect on him. He pushed himself several inches off the floor. Half of his conscious mind wanted to ask if the construct could be merciful, but the other half still held onto his tongue. "No matter what, don't hold back. I'll keep going."
  13. I'm more concerned about the wires connected to his limbs Dear lord, I dread what heinous injuries would occur when an actually snarky character meets it. That makes it slightly better. Well, I'd better start thinking how I can transform Skorm from Meta-level driven antagonist to Professor X...
  14. Pardon me while I look up the limits of a mask of healing...
  15. OOC: Well, I guess I should should consider myself lucky Skorm still alive after being puppeted that badly... IC: Skorm was never one to let go easily. He coughed up mouthfuls of black ooze. In the moment of clarity brought about by the sheer pain, he realized he hadn't seen any of his own blood after that skakdi had splashed him with that strange substance... the event that had led to his enlightening. He could still feel his legs, thank... who, exactly? The Kalta had served Mata Nui, that was what Aelied said. Did he serve Makuta now? No, Skorm served only himself and his goals, at least for now. Anyway, Skorm certainly felt his legs, or at least two towering pillars of pain that were connected to what used to be his waist. The guardian's fist certainly hadn't treated his ribcage well, either. Why the Karz did he try to use gravity on it? He had trained with Casanuva, he knew how well gravity worked on things with unnatural strength. It was if his plan to alter gravity to pull himself away, and activate his Huna had been wiped from his mind... As it was, Skorm couldn't walk. At least he was blessed with an element that could compensate, at least. Vague murmurings of his life as a gravitics engineer, blank faces, names, flashed by, as he remember an intensive care antigrav unit he had performed maintenance on. He tried to remember more, but could only remember... the training. When Aelied came to him, he thought he was chosen to be a hero. None of them were told that their memories would be wiped. His life, gone. He couldn't remember if it had been happy, fulfilling, even if it was terrible. All of it had been replaced... by the Kalta. His life was gone, stolen from him; now he was taking it back. And he would destroy those who had dared to take it from him. Well, all of this philosophical revelations tinted by mutagen were one thing, when Skorm was still lying against a wall. He decided it was best to stay put, for now. Sitting was good.
  16. That was quite out of character, though I guess I should be thankful the misanthrope still seems to be alive after being danced like a puppet.
  17. takua = abettor 2014 In other news, we can add 'has no sense of humor' to things known about the Abettor.
  18. According to the wiki, he disappeared, presumed dead.
  19. I would have thought there would be bigger disparity, but that makes sense.
  20. I have a question: in relation to Mata Nui, what are the population levels of the Kentoku Archipelago?
  21. IC: "Well, I'd say its the big brute that looks like it can reduce you to green and red paste on the wall." Skorm took a step back, bringing up his hood again to provide some measure of protection against the light. "But the priest brings up a decent point. What made the Mangaia Pact worthy? They have entered." The Ba-Toa didn't mention that this was all based on hearsay. Hearsay that seemed to be heard everywhere, but hearsay nonetheless.
  22. IC: Well, it was worth a try. If we could find someplace quiet, Kalyss and I would be glad to help you. Vakua also sent Kalyss this information, who confirmed. "Looks like Vakua is going to help Vesun with his memories. Are you going to come?" Casanuva shook his head. "I still have to gather together people. I'll meet you at sundown." Vakua addressed Sinshi a final time. I again apologize for the commotion my team caused earlier, but I hope it has furthered both our culture's understandings of the other. I wish you and your companions best of luck with your expedition. Unless you declare war or something equally silly. I am leaving with Kalyss to attend to a Ba-Toa that assisted us recently, his memory is having problems, and is convinced a telepath can help him. Casanuva is staying, should you have any more questions about us. Two words of warning, though: while I have neither heard of nor encountered any other telepaths on this island, I cannot promise they are as willing to compromise as I. Second, if you have any female members of your expedition that... lack wisdom, forethought, and levelheadedness, watch them around Casanuva. I would hate to have been able to stop a diplomatic incident and have done nothing.
  23. It's actually spelled cello, I played it for six years.
  24. Skorm singing 'Ode to the Bouncer' to the Abettor is one of my backup plans.
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