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Keeper of Kraata

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Everything posted by Keeper of Kraata

  1. IC: "I can appreciate these. The red light preserves night vision, without harming anyone who is sensitive to bright light" Skorm lowered his hood, and wiped his mask of black ooze. "You two religious-types seem to know your stuff. What exactly are we looking for in this hole in the ground?"
  2. IC: "I'm sorry I can't help more." Kalyss somberly left the room. "Um, Mirra? She wants to see you now."
  3. So we have a party of evildoers venturing into Mangaia Looking For Group. Which baddies are down there, exactly?
  4. OOC: I thought it was down... IC: Fixing his arm on his sheathed saber, Skorm followed the priest. The darkness enveloped them.
  5. IC: "Can't say I have. We have supplies? Light and such? I don't think Karna here can grant us echolocation."
  6. IC: "Excellent. I suggest we not waste more time and set off immediately."
  7. IC: Kalyss sighed. "She was obviously drowned, and I'm pretty sure it would be hard for a Marine to do so on her own. And back during our training... We were running a simulation, infiltrating a hostile fortress. We came in through the docks, Skorm was the advanced scout. He immobilized one off he guards, and started interrogating him. When he was done, he gravitized the guard to the bottom of the bay. Held him down there. He got extra score for that, creative use of powers." The two sat in silence for a moment. "I heard Gahla was a gate guard. Wouldn't she know who entered and exited the Koro? Skorm was obviously a new arrival. Vakua has been here for a while, and Casanuva and I just showed up. Maybe he was following one of us? Probably Casanuva, since I came in running across Naho Bay from Po-Wahi."
  8. IC: Kalyss said we were sent here for a reason. Maybe these outsiders are the dangerous? Casanuva shrugged. "We're outsiders too. We should check them out though. We need to round up everyone else, anyway. Nunono, the inventor, the De-Toa... I've been convinced to stay, but I still want my sword. I mean, it's just stupid to not let me have this! I'm a weapons designer, I know my stuff!" Yeah, like how you burned your hand? "Hey, my hand is feeling a lot better, thank you very much." Vakua shook his head while he silently chuckled. He put his headphones back on; they had been hanging around his neck. "Those dry out finally?" Yes. You people make way too much noise.
  9. That's sort of what I was saying; we just allow more freedom for Mata Nui natives.
  10. Funnily enough, the Dasaka are, to an extent. We just generally assume that the opposite gender is rare.
  11. Question: Are standard Rahkshi staves capable of the 'dissolve the middle part' bit?
  12. I wonder how many of the people online are just people like me who are on mobile?

    1. Nato G

      Nato G

      My modem died, so yes, I'm usually on my mobile. Then I have to go back and add pretty colours to everything whenever I get a chance to go online with a computer.

    2. Keeper of Kraata

      Keeper of Kraata

      I mean, it may look like I am always online, but I just logged my iPad in and put it down...

  13. Count me as excited! RAHKSHI 4 LYFE!
  14. Can we petition any member of the BZPRPG staff for something new-character related? I remember Nuju opening that up so others could deal with it, but can't find where.
  15. IC: Vakua nodded, and left the room. Kalyss, your turn. The Su-Toa nodded, and got up. Something might have come up. Casanuva will fill you in. She closed the door, and sat down. "What can I help you with, ma'am?"
  16. Hey, the criminal presented a perfectly valid hole in this logic. I think it might make more sense if a 'child' of a toa/toa couple grew up a matoran, then automagically transformed into a toa. Still preserves the canon life cycle that we all know and love, makes a caveat for no superpowered babies, and people may be none the wiser.
  17. When they learn this, though, they will be well and truly angry. "We EARNED our toa-hood! No wonder you have so many crazies!" OLD PEOPLE BABIES! GREAT SPIRIT SAVE US ALL!
  18. Well, all of my toa are transformed matoran. Granted, they aren't from Mata Nui, so the argument kinda falls apart there.
  19. IC: I may be able to do one better. Would you be willing to allow me to project memories wholesale into your mind? The commotion at the Marine's HQ did not pass unnoticed by the two Toa Kalta waiting there. "I wonder what's going on?" Kalyss whispered to Casanuva. "I think I heard something about a submarine, and some visitors."
  20. Ooh. Ko-matoran in Ta-Koro; that cannot end well.
  21. IC: "There wouldn't be rumors of this place if there was no entrance." Skorm smiled wickedly. "Should it be necessary, I am very skilled at interrogating information out of people."
  22. IC: "I'm not going into that place for any other reason than to find some very powerful friends, who can help me take care of my current targets. No... religious reasons." Skorm noticed Karna focusing elsewhere; he was all too familiar with his associates noticing things he didn't. "What is it?"
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