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Jean Valjean

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About Jean Valjean

  • Birthday 08/12/1993

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    Emperor Kraggh is a storyteller of various mediums, from the realms of literature to the stage, screen, and the RPGs popular on BZPower. He takes the art of story very seriously and makes sure that its function isn't lost in the forms that manifest it. Through story, Kraggh wishes to convey universal, archetypal themes such as life, death, friendship, trust, understanding, faith, happiness, belonging, imagination, curiosity, serendipity, peace, and love.

    When not storytelling, Kraggh is often known for analyzing literature, movies, and art. Though brutally honest in his opinions, Kraggh nevertheless maintains a positive focus and will never intentionally bring someone down.

    Kraggh is the resident philosopher and known for his ramblings. In real life, more so than even on BZPower, he is constantly in deep thought and contemplating matters such as life, faith, and the soul.

    Finally, bowties are cool. He wears them all the time.

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  1. Dude, your name oozes of win.

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