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Lewa the Demonic

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Year 15

About Lewa the Demonic

  • Birthday 12/24/1993

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    Bellevue, Washington
  • Interests
    I've been a member since mid-2006 but lost my password and had to start over. That's my BZP background. Well anyway, I live in the 1980's and my hair shows it! And that is why the void exists. What is the void...who knows!
    I like Bionicles obviously, the guitar (electric to be precise), and I' am trained in Tae-Kwon-do, Kung-Fu,and Karate. I'm 50% German with the other 50% being Norwegian. I like the Super Smash Bros. Games more than any other videogame but I only have Melee and Brawl, not that I would want the first one. In way of Bionicles My favorite ones are Lhikan, Lesovikk, Jovan,and Vakama. I'm writing an Epic and there might be more, I don't know yet. I also like Lehvoraks website, just plain goodness there! My dislikes include...well...a large tower in downtown Bellevue that has a sign on it that says and I quote "Go to cert.com!". And the void of course.


    I go by many names like loa, Lof, Lewa, O' air ( and never mind not very much.But people insist upon calling me Peach Queen even though I'm not a girl, thanks pit. Don't get me wrong Pit's a friend, a good friend at that. But anyway I'm mostly called LOA so I'm okay with that. If you recall I once gave out my "real name", well that wasn't it. My names Elias and you can call me that if you like.


    I have 11 pets, sounds wierd huh? Well 10 are fish 3 Rainbow sharks, 1 Albino Rainbow shark (the second one got eaten by the eel), 2 Bala Sharks, and one Dinosaur eel (Bichir if you want to get into all scientific), that's the 20 gallon roster. For 10 gallon, 31 year old Dalmation platys. And in the 1 gallon A fat little calico goldfish. Then theres a little Beagle German shepard cross-breed named Freya. She's 1 year old in July and is hyper and fierce.


    I like the bands Brinck, Linkin Park, Survivor, Foo Fighters, Bon Jovi, Guns N' Roses, Trans Siberian Orchestra, Attack Attack, Disturbed, Megadeth, and assorted other bands


    I make more of this when I have time. Surprise! I have time!


    My friends are Jordboy1, Silver Dragon, DX Legend of love, ~ES6~, Jedi Gali, Alena spirit of Hyperness, Pit (Whispersangels), Tikaro, ES, Avalon , Laminin, Skalaii: Shadow Warrior, Rahkshi Guurahk, Lehvorak, Lewajohnson, Maora, Makuta Proconix, Aki Izayoi, Nukaya cloud Fire, Chicken239, Toa Optimar, Solarstraocaster, Wairu Brassexe Toa of gold, Binary Code, Transairion, Haru Lost His P.H.d, Stoney The Raptor, and captaintahu, they are indeed awesome. So give 'em hand! Because if you don't spherical objects will!

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  1. Nah, I don't think so. 'Sides, I'm pretty busy writing for the contest now. See ya'!


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