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Year 13

About Kraataz

  • Birthday 05/21/1997

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    Well, as Kraataz tells you his interests, just keep yawning and he might not tell you everything:<br /><br />The Bionicle sets I own are: <br /><br />Toa Mata: 6/6<br />Kanohi Pack: 0/1<br />Toa Nuva: 6/6<br />Rahi: 0/?<br />Titans '03: 2/2<br />Kraata Pack: 1/1<br />Rahkshi: 6/6<br />Bohrok: 5/6<br />Krana Pack: 1/1<br />Bohrok Va: 4/6<br />Bohrok Kal: 3/6<br />Matoran '03: 3/6<br />Matoran '04: 6/6<br />Toa Metru: 6/6<br />Disk Pack: 1/1<br />Titans '04: 2/3<br />Visorak: 6/6<br />Titans '05: 3/3<br />Toa Hordika: 4/6<br />Rahaga: 2/6<br />Rhotuka Pack: 0/1<br />Piraka: 6/6<br />Toa Inika: 6/6<br />Titans '06: 4/5<br />Voyatoran: 4/6<br />Zamor Pack: 1/1<br />Mahritoran: 2/2<br />Barraki: 6/6<br />Toa Mahri: 6/6<br />Warriors: 2/6<br />Squid Pack: 1/1<br />Hydruka: 2/2<br /><br />And that's all the sets I own! <br />My favorite movie is Air Force One.<br />My favorite video games are Medal Of Honor: European Assault, Medal Of Honor: Frontline, Splinter Cell, Spider-Man 3, Bionicle Heroes and Harry Potter: Quidditch World Cup.<br />My favorite Bionicle I own is Hahli Mahri, my favorite Bionicle I don't have is Lesovikk(I'll get him soon, just ordered him).

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  1. hey kraataz, is there anything special you want in the Road Trip comedy? let me know! KK.

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