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Status Updates posted by BOXN

  1. I would send you a funny video of my friend reviewing SR:ZG, but it has a lot of cussing.

    EDIT: You posted some of your art, eh.

  2. BOXN

    I wouldn't call you that if you only stuck to your gender.

  3. BOXN

    I'll get the money.

    In around 3-4 years, idunnolol

  4. I'll go back to my old one soon.

  5. I'll see it. Now

  6. BOXN

    I'll think I'll give her a talk, if you know what I mean *wink*

  7. I'm gonna change it soon. I have realized the truth about it.

  8. I'm Spanish-Arab, not Mexican. You also don't have to be Mexican to speak Spanish.

  9. BOXN

    If you are truly macho, then why are you a woman?

  10. if you're enemys with LIGHT EMPRESS ALPHA, then Your name should be Shadow Emperor Omega

  11. If your playing DragonFable, try the Scavenger Hunt in Falconreach. Theres rare and Non-DA weapons there, so try to get one.

  12. Im a big fan of you, your lordeness!

  13. im against riverside tomorrow!hopefully im not crushed.

  14. im gonna see if your skin is on the add-on list

  15. im searching for one.

  16. Imma gonna change my name o, 'Chirox the Necromancer' probably.

  17. BOXN

    in march. what do you think i could change it too?

  18. In the original games, didn't Red screw you over big time? He stole your grandfathers love, your pokeman died, everything went horribly for you. At least I think it was the first game (Red).

  19. Interesting. So its not s sequel, right? Is it an AU where different events happen. it sounds good, I hope its not disappointing.

  20. is it okay if bionicle liker helps us make games?

  21. Is it okay if I add you?

  22. is marshie covered in blood?:P

  23. Is that flattery? If it is so, I am not flattered.

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