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Status Updates posted by BOXN

  1. Is that goood? What does Wewt mean?

  2. Is that Rorschach in your piccy?!

  3. Is that Shana in your avatar?

  4. It can balance. If you're paranoid, you can buy a stand or make you're own.

  5. It is Espanol (Spanish).

  6. BOXN

    It won't get better until I die, and go to my day of judgment.

  7. It's better than DK, which uses HP AND MP for attacks.

  8. It's just to balance cooling, nothing else. Ignore it if you want.

  9. It's somewhat good, search it on y0utube.com

  10. Its awesome how they make Rorschach's Face move in the movie.

  11. Its awesome. So is Watchmen

  12. Its not Eldest Cycle, Its Inheritance Cycle.

  13. its still pretty good.

  14. Its the drunk Dr. Hobo!

  15. Its the Fancy Pants Man!

  16. Just a PS3. I don't have an xbox because only 1 or 2 games interest me. Why buy a console just for exclusives? I also find the PSN community a bit more mature than the xbox community. not by a lot, but it counts. Except for the screechers. they need to be punched in the throat.

  17. Just got facebook, might dump ######## because of stupid Jackass Tom

  18. Just so you know, if you finished the When they cry anime, read the manga. They make up some of the slight harem stuff with more in-depth descriptions.

  19. Late Merry Christmas...

  20. Leo from VGCats (Don't go there unless you know sum perverted stuff and cussing) in his Darth Vader costume.

  21. Light Novels are pretty good, and a bit different from the animes. I won't spoil it for you, and I've never heard of that site until you mentioned it.

  22. Like DragonFable?

  23. like vgcats.com

    comics, huh.

  24. Listen to March of the Pigs and Star######ers Inc. by NIN.

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