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Status Updates posted by BOXN

  1. Met you on V's chat. Nice to meet you.

  2. BOXN

    MUCH better than ponies.

  3. BOXN

    MUI MUI MUI MUI!1111

  4. my birthday is tomorrow!

  5. my friends will owned you! Tony is a dangerous player in Halo2

  6. My name is also Spanish, which says, 'Chirox the Air Habitant'

  7. BOXN

    Naming yerself after Video Games now, eh?

  8. Need help? Comment me on my comment board.

  9. Never knew you made art :(. Im going to see some now.

  10. NEVER! *clicks five repeatedly, but compy shuts down*

  11. next Saturday we're against Lincoln, and they HATE us.they want our blood.

  12. nice avatar!

  13. BOXN

    Nice avvie!!

  14. Nice Matoro banner.

  15. Nice name change

  16. Nice personal pic!

  17. Nice personal pic.

  18. BOXN

    Nice pic and Av of Woodstock.

  19. Nice try plue nuva!!!

    *whispers* She trolled everyone, and wasn't caught, but I know it was her :P

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