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Status Updates posted by BOXN

  1. Nice Windows 7-tan you have there. No one made an image of that for Vista, amirite?

  2. Nix! means Snow!

  3. No matoran have mask powers. Not even Av or Shadow ones.

  4. BOXN

    No, really why?

  5. BOXN

    no, really.

  6. Nothing. You, have a BAND! How I laugh at your woes! :P

  7. NOW its lame. Change your Avatar then.

  8. O_#


  9. O_o....Sure!

  10. O_o....your incoherent sentences make me think you're tripping out....what is it and where can i buy some?

  11. Of course he's easy. I'm talking about KH, which is supposedly hard.

  12. OH EM GEE!....so have i.

  13. Oh fo shiv! :P Cheered me up a bit. We could probably solve each others problems. If you want.

  14. Oh no I can, it's just that you're writing was in all caps. Thanks anyways.

  15. Oh No! The red eye o' DOOM!

  16. oh yeah?

    *kills 25 people, then activates nuke*

    SEE YOU IN ######!!

    Navy guy:Its a nuke! We're done for!

  17. Oh yeah. I'm helping sprite a new game in the Toa Union Game topic.

  18. BOXN

    Oh, its because Rorscach made the Avvie/Banner and showed me the ones he was going to give you. Only the avvie is different. And your welcome.

  19. BOXN

    oh, okay. Now do you or Foxy have the sweet hat?

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