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Status Updates posted by BOXN

  1. She might not have a life cuz of us, Xaeraz.

  2. since i read your interests, i think its what you call, 'my space'. thats what you're talking about, right?

  3. SlipKnot rules! Oh BTW you can retrieve ur username and password by using ur account manager in DF.

  4. So can I be a CA, if you want?

  5. So do you everytime you log on. And if you don't know where it came from, I'm not sure if some people will call you any good names.

  6. BOXN

    So how is that game like?

    Yeah, all the GARness that was oozing out of Guy Shishinoh must have poisoned Shinji...in a good way:D

  7. So how was Festivus, Georgie boy?

  8. So in Iowa you did the NHD, eh. It's better if you do a website, since you don't do anything when you go with other students, you justdo whatever you want, unless you get 2nd place then you do stuff.

    I'm gonna use the free time to....talk to someone.

  9. So thats it? And get the Beef Hammer from the Quest, 'Too Many Cooks'. Great for DA Members.

  10. BOXN

    So you don't have any suspicious looking yellow dots in your eye?

    I do, you?

  11. so you wanna make an RPG with me?

  12. BOXN

    So you, Foxy and Chane are siblings?

  13. SO YOU'RE RESEV!!!!!

    Now I need to find out who AMERICANPSYCHO5 is.

  14. So you're Vakama Fan........................... I don't know who he is.........

  15. so......when are your comics being put up?

  16. So...about that fanfiction... whats it about.

  17. some nice MOC's you have.

  18. Someone needs to put you down :D

    *loads shotgun*


  19. Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't.

  20. sorry bout the flame war on thursday

  21. sorry but i cant do most things about your comedy since foot ball and school, but i have alot of ideas for it

  22. Sorry cant talk, IM TRIPPING BALLS NOW!

  23. Sorry Happy late bitrhday!

  24. Sorry I couldn't reply, BZP wasn't working for me.

    Yeah, Toradora is a pretty good anime, I just don't like that idol chick.

    I haven't seen TWGOK's anime, but the manga is pretty good, you should try to read it.

    I'm confused why everyone goes 'ZOMG the REI!111' whenever they see her. She turns everyone into Tang, why do they like her?

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