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Status Updates posted by BOXN

  1. Haldo, home star wunnah fan!

  2. Haldo, Stalwart Defender!

  3. Haldo! is from a homestarrunner game

  4. Halo, Ratchet and Clank, and ESPECIALLY Spyro rule!

  5. Happy belated birthday!

  6. happy birthday!

  7. Happy late Birthday! Sorry, I was stuck to DragonFable to long :(

    Who's the person in ur siggy?

  8. Hardee har har.

    But what country are you stuck in?

    If its Mexico, and you die, I am taking that sweet hat of yours.

  9. have i been aprooved as PGS? Im making a comic, and the inspiration came from my friend

  10. have you ever tried SMT (also known as MegaTen or Shin Megami Tensei)?

  11. Have you finally won the Geis Magatama?

  12. have you played Halo3?

  13. have you played the trogdor arcade game?

    my avatar is based on a pic from one of SBs


  14. have you seen the other digimon seasons?

  15. have you turned emo?

  16. Haven't faced him yet. but since I beat Demi-Fiend, and all the Fiends in Devil Summoner, he's probably gonna be cake now. Or chesse cake. Nyoro~n...

  17. Having fun with Pali and DK armor, you are.

  18. BOXN

    He can be revived, but is currently dead.

  19. BOXN

    he can edit his friend settings by going to his profile, click settings and set it to automatically adding them.

  20. He just said I-diot. What happened to ur AvP stuff?

  21. he may not get respect Canama, but he gets all the chicks. AT AGE 10!

    Also, due to your bull****ery, my avatar changed. I can't get anything good out of my effort because of YOU, Gary Oak.

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