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Toa of Dancing

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Blog Comments posted by Toa of Dancing

  1. Packing peanuts work really well. Lots of them. It can also help to disassemble an MOC slightly, if it can be put back together easily (and do remember we'll have several master MOCists there if you're worried about our abilities to do so), and if you're worried about things going wrong.


    As for what to send it with, a photo of the completed MOC(s) is useful, so we get them right, and on that you can just write your BZP username or your real name or whatever you want to be credited as. Don't forget to send the return address, too.

    Hm, OK.

    What I'm thinking of sending is actually a large head, which I'm unsure of how to dismantle. Would that sort of thing be best left off in one piece, and then just fixed up after it got there?


    Yeah, I'd send a few photographs.


    I sent some of my MOCs last year. What I suggest is breaking down the MOCs into smaller components, putting those components into small ziploc bags, put those bags as well as a small set of picture instruction thingies, into a larger ziploc bag, wrap that bag in bubble wrap, and then put it in a pretty tight fitting that has some packing peanuts in it.


    Since you're shipping your stuff overseas, the baggies are a must. You don't want your parts getting soaked.


    Would this include the head? Because breaking it into components would be complicated.


    Is it common for parts to get soaked? o_O

    Speaking of that, can we see WIP maybe?


    Anyways, if it's one at least relatively solid piece, then just make sure you pack the box with a bunch of peanuts and put it in the middle.

  2. I recall having some quite lengthy emoticon-comment things in my Blog back a couple months ago. [When my Blog got an insane amount of spam]


    How come I never got a warning? :blink:

    This rule is new. :)

    He speaks specifically about what Kohaku just said above.


    Personally, Brick, I think it's because you handled it yourself and told them/us (DX) to stop.

  3. Dude, I wouldn't have thought of that Hannah crab design for the legs. That thing is amazing simply because of that. Well, and the rest is also well built.


    Oh, and I see what you did thar with the invisible string.


    Er... that is invisible string, right?

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