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Toa of Dancing

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Blog Comments posted by Toa of Dancing

  1. Gah.


    *runs in a shoots everyone who said Brickeh*


    Oh wait no RPing. But I can't see yours Brickeh... Unless it is the one above, just with orange, then I must say it wins. But I couldn't find my Kadin so I thought the Krahkaan (lol I can't spell) would work. If mine had a Kadin It would fly up and slam yours into a wall. But then again, mine wins anyways cuz it has WINGS.

  2. Ah okay. I'd give it to evveh. B)


    Hang on, how is Sumiki going to make the winners premier?

    You tell BZP the member's login or screen name (can't remember DX) instead of yours while signing up and send in the money. They then make that member Premier.

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