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Padishah Mehmet II

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Year 15

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About Padishah Mehmet II

  • Birthday 10/07/1996

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  • Location
    Istanbul, not Constantinople

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Emerging Stone Champion

Emerging Stone Champion (132/293)

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  1. Hey. Hey Dov! Guess what! nice name change =D

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Razgriz


      was it spawn


      i bet it was

    3. Padishah Mehmet II

      Padishah Mehmet II

      holy ######

      I had the same nightmare just tonight

      Aderia stop voodoo jinxing me

    4. Aderia


      @Raz: Aha, nice try.

      @Dov: ...either we both have great minds and think alike, or we're just equally messed up in the head.

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