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The Last Cowboy!

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About The Last Cowboy!

  • Birthday 08/22/1997

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    I've got a lot of them. <br /><br />Art. All art. Sketching, digital, watercolor, sculpture, I've even taken a whack at acrylics. It won first in a local art contest! Very proud. Writing too. I've got any short stories and poems to my name, and I want to write a novel sometime, but I have trouble getting ideas. <br /><br />Water Sports. Swimming, sufing, sailing, windsurfing, water polo's good too. I tried tennis, soccer, baseball. I sucked. End of story. If it doesn't involve water I suck. <br /><br />MOCing. Bionicle and system. Although I'm not as good at system. Bionicle I'm improving. I love challenging myself to use weird parts in interesting ways. <br /><br />Literature. So many books, so little time. I love to read though. At least two hours daily. My favorites are the Inheritance Cycle, the Harry Potter series, Uglies/Pretties/Specials, and anything Sci-Fi or cool. Not a big fantasy fan though. <br /><br />I can also Diabolo, or use a Chinese Yo-Yo. Lost my string though, so now it just stores my pens.

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  1. Hey!

    Thanks for my drawing man.

    Its great.

    The sythe suits me.

    Keep up the good work.


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