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Tohunga Tahnok

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About Tohunga Tahnok

  • Birthday 08/19/1996

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    Try and Guess.
  • Interests
    Basically, I like Star trek, video games, Linkin Park,(Rulers of the known Rock universe!), Bionicle, pirates, medevil times, writing, my friends, my cousins, Samus Aran,(Nintendo's best Character.) and Boy scouts. I'm also a fan of a game called Civilization 2, Gold Edition. You become ruler of an ancient civilization, you find other people, and you kill them while making hundreds of scientific discoveries. Its very interesting. If you happen to find a copy in a store, BUY IT!!! If you don't, you'll be sorry. I recently bought a "new" original Xbox, so anyone who has a copy of Halo who doesn't want it, send over my way.<br /><br />ASSASSINS' CREED TWO FOR THE WIN! Seriously, the game is amazing. You can swim, you get two hidden blades, you can poision people, find Assassin Tombs, retrieve the armor of your ancestor, Altair(who you played as in the last game), Steal money, wield hammers, axes, mauls, generate income, and LIVE BY THE CREED! I am Ezio Auditore da Firenze. I am an Assassin.<br /><br />As for everything else, I'm a pyromaniac. Basically, that means I like to burn stuff. Wood, rope, you name it. I have every single Bionicle movie made, and my parents are having my house refurbished. My bedroom is done, and it is awesome. We are currently working on the downstairs area. Also, I need to thank some people who helped me get where I am on the site today. Soo... Thanks to Cap'n Bionicle, Darkness: Toa of Darkness, BioNicolai, Danska, Tohunga Vezon and Kar, and -Auron-. <br /><br />Special thanks goes out to my friends in the C.I.R.C.L.E. You guys are awesome.

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  1. Thanks for adding me. Its good to see a nice person. The epics look Good!

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