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Vamprah The Great

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About Vamprah The Great

  • Birthday 05/01/1994

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    New Jersey
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    I'm proud to be a BZP member. My lifelong goal here is to meet and know every BZP member I can. I also finally got a hot topic! Woot! I don't know what the heck that means, but it sure sounds awsome! I like Bionicles. Let me tell you how I got into Bionicles.

    It began long ago in mid 2000, I believe, and I saw a Bionicle for the first time at McDonalds. It was Maku. I got her, then I found Gali. With that Toa set, I got a mask pack. I was one of the lucky ones to get two Infected Kanohi masks in 2 different boxes with White Pakari. Whenever I came home, I found a Turaga on the windowsill of my house, Ah, sweet memories.

    I got Nokama first, or was it Vakama. I don't remember, but it was one of them. I soon got so interested in Bionicles, that's almost all I got. I liked The Kanohi, Krana, the Kraata, the Kanoka were ok, the Rhotuka were awsome, and the Zamors rocked the house. I like Squids, cool idea. It's just the launching that's the problem. But, I can fix that. PM me to see what I did to make Squid Launching easier. The Cordak, those are tough. I'm still working on them.

    The Krana were very popular. I really liked them. The Kraata were so awsome, just as well. The Kraata, composing of more then 250 Kraata, were probally the most collectible ever. The Kanohi and Krana came next. I miss the time when you had to get more then one or two packs of collictables, and then you're done. I liked it when I could collect the Krana and Kraata. The Kanohi worked, to. The Zamors and Squids were dissapointing. Not very collectible. Even the Rhotuka were more collectible, and there were only 12 to collect. Wait. There were 13, adding the silver-light green Rhotuka, from the packs.

    I'm not saying that Bionicles getting worse, just aying they need more work, expecially the collectibles. True, Bionicle has evolved over the years, and I still choose to remain to it, but I miss the original years. I am very dissapointed with the Cordak. There is only 1 color for them, red. I'm not saying I'm not fond of red, it's just boring to have the same colors in each set. At least 2005 had a variety. 2007 Cordak don't even have a collectibles pack yet. I can't wait until 2008. It looks really good. Lego, you better have a true collectible ready for us this time!

    Glow in the dark pieces. The idea is great. I love the way you can make them glow. I'll admit it, I'm a sucker for those kind of features. I mean, you can make the villians look so cool in the dark. If at least 1 Bionicle set had this feature every year, I'd be a happy builder. I mean, come on? This is a new revolution for Bionicle! Who else likes this idea? I do.

    The RhotukaSpinners were a bit of a good idea. It's just the ripcords. They get in the way of MOCing and role playing with my Bionicles. So, I am not fond of the rip cords, but they work. The Zamor Spheres made up for the lack of better playability. But, even the Zamors had defects.

    I've been subscribed to the Lego Magazine since December of 2002. I really like the Bionicle Comics. I really don't like the shortage of pages. Did you know, I accually met Greg Farshty. Yes, it's ture. It was on a Saturday in November 2004. Either the 15th or 16th. I got The Blue and Red Rahaga the day after, and also either before or after I saw Natonial Tresure. It was a good moie. I think I got them after.

    Soon came the Light Up Wepons of 2006, along with the Eyes. They were cool. I just don't think they were the greatest. The swords were better, though. Now, I'm not a big fan of clone sets, but 2006 had the best clone sets, with the Visorak next to them.

    Now, 2007. Much different from the year 2001, with the original Bionicles. I got into Transformers thank's to my friend. I also am a big Star Trek fan. PM me if you are to!

    Yeah. That's a long speech, but hey. It's worth reading. I bet you may be scanning this right now. Well, what if I said I knew about the summer 2008 sets. Ha! Got ya! Now you gotta PM me and add me to your friends list! Kidding, but it would be nice to have you as a friend and get a PM.

    Help Hotline: I'm always avalible. PM me if you need some help with something. I have tons of experience with forums. So, need a hand? PM me as soon as you can!

    Spoilers: I will provide spoilers provided I follow BZP's rules, and get permission from Greg Farshty and the Admins of BZP. I can provide you unlimited information on Bionicle books, guides, and anything else related to those.

    My opinion on 2008: I dislike the fact we're getting Zamors, for the fourth time. Can't LEGO come up with new ideas? I like the Tridak Pods and Shadow Leeches. First Squids, now Leeches. They are made of the same material, but they are new molds at least. A new launcher for Zamor Spheres is better, but reusing the same collectible, it's getting tireing.

    Long story short, I'm a big Bionicle fan, always have been ever since the begining. So, Live Long and Prosper, Yo.

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