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Year 16

About Transcendence

  • Birthday 12/01/1994

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    It's fun to log on here once every few years and just look at my old stuff and go... wow.

    So if I'm reading this... hey me! You're 20 now.
    There's so much this website had to offer you and you did it all. You wrote comedies, trolled the forums, you even made some really poor quality comics that made no sense. And you even formed many valuable friendships with people from all around the world. And a few of these people you could probably reach out to, even now. At least, this now. Maybe not YOUR now. But anyway

    No matter how old, wise, cool or handsome you get, always remember: Be a kid. Honor your childhood. And think about aaall that money you spent on plastic molds.

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  1. Welcome to a majority of the teenage population.

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