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Binary Code

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About Binary Code

  • Birthday 04/15/1995

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    Pawnee, IN
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    Okay, since I probably won't update this for another couple of years, I'm gonna make it quick and simple. Here goes...

    -Bionicles- Yeah, that one's a given.

    -Bionicles- I love messing with those losers who get all bent out of shape when people say "Bionicles"

    -Lego- Yeah, that's my life

    -Reading- Books, obviously

    -Iron Man- I guess I just really like Iron Man

    -The Indianapolis Colts- Right now we're 0-7, but things will probably get better. If you're reading this and we're undefeated or something, let me know and I'll change it.

    -Nitro Circus- Tommy, you're so fat and useless!

    -Lost- We've gotta go back!

    Unfortunately, telling random people about myself is not something I particularly enjoy, so I guess I'm gonna wrap this up.

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  1. Your sig is hilarious. xD

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