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Everything posted by SkullKid

  1. Okay. I'm going to be out of town for about....a week. During this time, you can still send me auditions, but i won't be listening to them, for about a week. Anyway, sorry, and i'll get to all of them soon. -SK
  2. SO did I, so i don't blame ya.



  3. O~o is right.


  4. Thanks!

    Even though its late, you were the first one to realize that yesterday was my birthday.



  5. In that case, wouldn't it be possible to publish both versions? This reminds me, I was planning on doing a review of GITS. Better start on it before the review topic dies... Frankly, i don't want to make 2 versions. It takes to much of my time. If i make a version, its going to be that and that only. I don't want to spend extra time making to versions of the same chapter. -SK
  6. SkullKid

    S&t5 Tiebreaker

    I vote for mine, #2. -SK
  7. fair enough. I do like the sound of music and sound effects, but if i do do a silent audiobook, it would take a load of my back. we'll see. -SK
  8. Thanks. Next time, please send the audition to my email or PM me. Nice audition though. -SK
  9. Thanks.

    I'm also glad to hear the movie was good.

    I'm going to see it on monday.


  10. No.....

    Well, actually, you were the only one who auditioned for the part.

    But Lets put it this way.

    After i sent your audition to Lady K, she said"This auditions perfect for the voice"

    If we did not think that you had a good enough voice, we would have kept the audition open.


  11. You should thank LK

    She Loved your Philio


  12. Yah! Thats what i mean. I'm not going to constantly be playing music in the background. Just during parts that i think are needed. Same with sound effects. In the story, Szian's servent's head exploades. I think that a sound of an explosion is suitible for that. -SK
  13. As I stated before, there WILL be background music, But i won't use as much as i do for the Audiobook. I will also be using sound effects. I take note of what you favor, but unless i get a majority of the people saying "No background music" its going to stay the same. -SK
  14. COngrats!

    You got the part of Szian!


  15. COngrats!

    You got a part in the audiobook!

    Go check Lady Kopaka's Blog to find out which one.

    I'm to lazy to say it here :)


  16. Hopefully yes.

    On a side note, i'm tied in the polls for second place.

    So close, and yet so far.

    Your doing pretty well as well.


  17. Hey, check out Lady K's Blog.

    There's a suprise for you in the Audiobook section.

    Go to the last page.


  18. Okay, here are the picks for today. Ready. Vezok's Friend - Makuta Szian Yukiko - Naosu Kanohi Zatth - Szian's Servant SkullKid(me)- Matoran sailors Sakaru - Philo T'zak As of now, all of these auditions are CLOSED! COngrats to the people who got the parts. -SK
  19. I think its time to start the slow revealing process of the voices, what do you think.


  20. Holy Billy Shears! It's time! Good luck to everyone. Hope I'll get a part. Oh, and good luck to Lady K and Skully. It'll be as good (or even better, no offense) as the PBSP. Like i said, not all of the parts. Mostly, just some of the cameo parts will be given, and maybe one or 2 minor parts. Oh! and one major part. SO just so you know AUDITIONS ARE STILL OPEN!!!!! We'll just star revealing the parts slowly. -SK
  21. Okay Guy's (and Girls) In a few hours, we will start to reveal some of the voices for different roles(not all of them, but some) Get ready. -SK
  22. Oh, you should have just said you were usin Audatious. In that case, just export them, and you should come out with a WAV file. -SK
  23. O_o uhhhh.......... Just for that, my next komas lines i send you will have a purring noise at the end. -SK
  24. send me your auditions again in WAV, or MP3 Please.


  25. We'll see. It depends on what lady kopaka thinks. I definatly want dsound effects, it gives more depth to the story. But i'll hold back a little on the background music. -SK p.S. Your auditions need to be in a different format.
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