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Status Updates posted by SkullKid

  1. Thanks.

    COmment on my arto topice about him. That would be great. Also, jut so you know, i am rarely on BZP on the weekdays, just so yah know.


  2. And nice to meet you too!


  3. Cool!

    Glad your back on.

  4. Thats fine

    I gotta work on the other ones anyway

  5. Very Slowly.

    I still have not gotton Smeag and Nikira's lines for chapter 2. I'll probably have to go remind them.


  6. Hey. COuld you do me a favor and leave a comment on my Project Bionicle serial podcast topic.

    In about 3 days, its going to die.



  7. FInished my part of the art trade!

    CHeck it out!


  8. Hey!

    You took my personal photo!

    Actually, its better then mine. I like the waving!


  9. SOunds good!!


  10. Yo!

    So, even though it has been a while, the GitS Audiobook is still going on. I am trying to get 3 chapters done before i Post any.

    I have just started working on chapter 2 and i am going to need your Makuta Szian lines for chapter 2 as soon as possible. If you have any issues, PM me.


  11. Just so yah know, i'm going to need chapter

    2 lines soon, so, get those to me as soon as possible. Tell Smeag to!

    Thanks for all your hard work.


  12. Don't forget about the Blog update. ;D


  13. Your Banner is too big.

    You should make it smaller or find a new banner before the Moderator's find out.

    Just trying to help


  14. So, now that the forums are back up, when can we expect the Time Capsule TOpic to be up?

  15. Sounds good.Do you have an email i can send it to, or would you rather me deeplink it.


  16. Well, i found the song.

    But it is the long version.

    I'm still trying to look for the shorter version, but would you like me to send you the larger version.

  17. Yo!

    Hey, if you got a moment, could you reviw my entry for the Art contest 17?

    It would really mean alot to me.

    Also, you should enter Jurel into the MultiUniverse Denizens contest!

    Go to the Storyline and theories section of the Forums to find it.

  18. Remember that idea i had before the forums were down? It was about the the 3rd Bleach ending song being perfect for a BRC ending theme?

  19. Well, i'm glad to hear you are better, abit, in a wheelchair.

    Sorry dude!

    Anyway, just letting you know that the Audiobook is being put on hold, till Lady K gets unbanned.

    So, just so ya know.


  20. Nothin.

    Been very lazy.

    I need to get back to doin my podcast.

    Anyway, if you get the chance, I did a piece of art for the AC 17 contest. If you have the time, could you Review it for me?



  21. Why hello!

    Been a while huh?


  22. How Interesting!



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