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Status Updates posted by SkullKid

  1. Congrats!

    You have gotton the part of Vheon!!!!

    I know you did not audition for him, but we feel that your voice would be best suited for him.

    An informational PM will be coming to you sometime soon.

    Congrats again.


  2. Congrats!

    You have gotton the part of Zimrah!!!!

    An informational PM will be coming to you sometime soon.

    Congrats again.


  3. Congrats!

    You have gotton the parts of Zerek and the Unnamed Bounty hunter!!!!

    An informational PM will be coming to you sometime soon.

    Congrats again.


  4. Congrats!

    You have gotton the additional part of the unnamed Onu-Matoran!!!!

    An informational PM will be coming to you sometime soon.

    Congrats again.


  5. Congrats!

    You have gotton the part of Komas!!!!

    An informational PM will be coming to you sometime soon.

    Congrats again.


  6. Congrats!

    You have gotton the part of Tachi!!!!

    An informational PM will be coming to you sometime soon.

    Congrats again.


  7. Yep

    The Microphone has better quality.

    You pass!

    I'll let you know if you get a part.


  8. Wierd, i did not get it.

    Would you mind resending it to me again.


  9. Torran's auditions were faulty.

    I'm waiting for him to send me better ones.


  10. would you mind sending mea brief recording of your voice so i can hear the quality of your mic.



  11. Yah, apparently, there is another Dr. Horrible on this site, so i'm his evil twin.


  12. Thanks For advertising My Project!!!!

    Your the Best.


  13. AH...haha

    Yah, okay, peace (for now)

    But i'll be back with vegance one day.



  14. hmmm...

    It seems that you are my good twin(seeing as i'm your evil twin>:D).

    How i had no idea of you existance until now, i do not know.

    But i have a freeze ray.

    WHat do you have?


  15. Feel Free to.

    I can't really put my finger on which one you should do, but that does not matter.

    Just audition for a few more, and we'll see if we like it.


  16. Specifically Tachi lines please.

    Unless you would like to audition for any other parts, of course.


  17. No specific parts.

    No time limit.

    COmpletly up to you. :D


  18. LK loved your audition.

    If you don't mind, she would like you to record a couple of more lines, so she can here more of you.

    Thanks again for your intrest in our project.


  19. Nice audition!

    I just sent it to Lady K.


  20. I just sent you an email with some auditions.


  21. Hey.

    Got your audition, but it is not in a format i can listen too.

    What program did you use to record your voice.


  22. Yah.

    I liked her Zimrah the best.

    I also sent them to ladyK, but i have yet to hear back from her.


  23. I just posted the new episode of Into the darkeness. Go check out your Hahli voice in action!!!!!


  24. Ah!

    Happy Birthday by the way.

    I was out of town when it happened, so i was not able to comment on it EXACTLY on the day of your birthday.

    But i did leave a nice comment on your blog entry about it.



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