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Status Updates posted by SkullKid

  1. Yo!

    We need to decide on a few more cast members.


  2. Spectactular!

    Thanks again.

    Your a life saver!


  3. Well, yah!

    Here lines are a bit cheesy.

    Your in!

    All you have to do is record her lines from chapter 4 and your done.

    Thanks a whole bunch.


  4. One of my voice actresses backed out on me to play the voice of Hahli Mahri in My Bionicle serial podcast. The Topic is located in the software section.

    I have heard your auditions for GitS audio book, and i think you could play the charecter.

    Its only a couple of lines, nothing major.

    ANyway, if you can't thats fine.

    Just tell me.


  5. Hey.

    COuld i ask you a favor....


  6. I don't care if its late.



  7. SO did I, so i don't blame ya.



  8. O~o is right.


  9. Thanks!

    Even though its late, you were the first one to realize that yesterday was my birthday.



  10. Thanks.

    I'm also glad to hear the movie was good.

    I'm going to see it on monday.


  11. No.....

    Well, actually, you were the only one who auditioned for the part.

    But Lets put it this way.

    After i sent your audition to Lady K, she said"This auditions perfect for the voice"

    If we did not think that you had a good enough voice, we would have kept the audition open.


  12. You should thank LK

    She Loved your Philio


  13. COngrats!

    You got the part of Szian!


  14. COngrats!

    You got a part in the audiobook!

    Go check Lady Kopaka's Blog to find out which one.

    I'm to lazy to say it here :)


  15. Hopefully yes.

    On a side note, i'm tied in the polls for second place.

    So close, and yet so far.

    Your doing pretty well as well.


  16. Hey, check out Lady K's Blog.

    There's a suprise for you in the Audiobook section.

    Go to the last page.


  17. I think its time to start the slow revealing process of the voices, what do you think.


  18. send me your auditions again in WAV, or MP3 Please.


  19. SOunds good. Until then, i'll contenue to work on all of them.


  20. Whats Up?


  21. I'm sending you a couple of Emails with Auditions i got, including my own.


  22. Uh, yah.

    Go to www.kanohijournal.com to learn more about the Surel art contest.


  23. Hey!

    I am starting a new Project.

    Check out Lady Kopaka's Blog for More details.


  24. Happy birthday!

    You might not know me, and thats okay!!!!


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