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Status Updates posted by SkullKid

  1. So... gotton any auditions for your spanish version yet?


  2. Okay, i'm going to make a list with all the charecters that are availible to try out for, what there voice sounds like, and the requirements to voice act, then i will send it to you, so you can approve, and add whatever you need to add.

    Then we will have a list.

    But for now, i'm going to get some much needed sleep.



  3. So here is a question for you, when i start, would you like me to release the audiobook in sections, or all together at once.


  4. Hey, i'm waiting for a reply from a moderator to tell me where exactly i should post the topic for the auditions, so for right now, could you post a topic on your blog about it?



  5. SOunds great.

    I would love to hear your Tachi Voice, if you want to send it to me.


    P.S. WHat were you guys talking about, if you don't mind me asking.

  6. THe next episode is up.


  7. Yah

    WHo wants to be the bad guy anyway.


  8. No one yet, though i'll probably get my sister to do it.


    If she's wondering why she didi not get the part, its just because her voice did not suit Roodaka.


  9. Sorry, forgot to PM you back.

    I think that Mii would also be good as Helryx and Gaaki.

    Tell her she got the part.


  10. Your'e banner is a little too big my friend.

    I sugesst you make it smaller before the moderators get on to you about it.


  11. Whats up LK!

    I've been reading a glitch in the system.

    Great job on it!


  12. Its up.

    You should go take a look.


  13. Hey!

    Remember my Project.

    Well, i got some episodes up on the topic(software section).

    You should check it out.


  14. Probably wednsday.

    But thats only an assumption.


  15. Thanks man, tell Mii that that was perfect!


  16. You did send me something, but the PM was empty.


  17. WHat PM?


  18. Yup!

    Hey, if you git a chance, check out my topic "Project Bionicle Serial Podcast"

    Its in the Software Section.


  19. Great, thats perfect.


  20. Hey, when ever your sister is ready, could you get her to record the next Chapter of Gali Nuva blog?


  21. Hey.

    You should check out my topic Project Bionicle Serial Podcast!

    I have started the podcast officially, and have already realesed 4 episodes.

    Check it out, and tell me what you think.


  22. Hey man!

    2 things.

    1, i have a number of podcasts up on my topic, if you want to check them out.

    2, the Karzahni parts are coming up, so i will need you to send those as soon as possible.



  23. 1st episode of Into the darkness is up.


  24. First chapter of into the darkness is up on my Project Bionicle Serial Podcast is up.

    CHeck it out.


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