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Kohrak Kal17

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Everything posted by Kohrak Kal17

  1. don't u love it when u cant smell anything? --KK17
  2. Rather old, but I join! 8D BZP name: Kohrak Kal17 Human name: Golf T. Gender: Male Skin color: Tan Eye color: Tan Hair color: Tan Toenail color: Tan Specialties: Golfs a lot! Favorite brand of deodorant: Golfer's Spray --KK17
  3. I like OM NOM NOMing stuff. I joins. --KK17
  4. Kohrak Kal17

    Animal Farm

    Read We, by Zamyatin. --KK17
  5. you didn't use your awesome muscles, so they went away. --KK17
  6. Too bad I don't live close enough. Someone, go get it! --KK17
  7. Oh. In that case, it's one of the best days of the year! --KK17
  8. Um, it's written in the Rules of the Blog content block. Anyways, *jams Kraggh into a closet with a gag on his mouth, hands tied behind his back, feet tied, Banned word!, and 17 packets of ketchup. And a note that says, "My name is Kohrak Kal17, but you can call me KK17* --KK17
  9. If you have chocolate coated macadamia nuts, then the percent of poison per gram is higher! No dog will survive that! Someone ask B6 if he wants some chocolate coated macadamia nuts... --KK17
  10. But it's not math related! =o --KK17
  11. Kohrak Kal17


    Gunmetal and medium blue. --KK17
  12. *grabs I'm 12 and what is this* *begins to choke him* *stuffs banned word! down his throat* --KK17
  13. Kohrak Kal17


    It's not affecting me! Just drink tea everyday and you'll be fine! Oh, and UPDATE YOUR V FILES!!! --KK17
  14. Kohrak Kal17


    When you make it into tea. Now Lysol doesn't taste good. --KK17
  15. Kohrak Kal17

    21-dollar Kirop

    But $5 for Raanu isn't. --KK17
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